Now look at the difference. The detail in the one I did of you is much better. The ones you did of me has the hair all screwed up. It looks like I have a wig on either too high or crooked. When screwing with someone in Photoshop you need to find a body that fits the head direction. Besides that, I never ware pink or white. Now do them again and do them right or your Photoshop lessons are over.
If you can match what I did to you with Chucky I'll buy you some drugs.
I don't have a copy of photoshop dave, but truth be told I would love to get some lessons in photoshop......and besides I think you're just pissed cuz your roots are showing...*LOL*
Valis likes to play dress up. Since his wife has taken away all his girlie clothes he's only able to fulfill his sick fanatics by photo manipulating images of straight guys. Everyone here likes Valis but know he's a sick puppy.
Valis, You're getting a little better but you still need to work on matching up the hair with the direction of the face. Also you need to reduce the body/dress to fit the size and resolution of the face. I'm starting to look a little blurry in the first one and it's not even Friday night.