Movement to 'Draft" Hillary

by Guest 77 100 Replies latest social current

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Some months ago I heard that Hillary will be drafted as President at the Democratic Convention. Well, this is no longer a rumor. On the Hannity & Colmes show last night, FoxNews, this 'rumor' was confirmed to be true.

    The reason for the public silence (not told on the show) but by the rumor mill, is to keep Hillary on a low profile, not to create a public stir. She has repeatedly said that she will not run for President. Yeah right, as the saying goes, "Show me an honest politician and I'll show you a liar."

    Though the polls show that Howard Dean is ahead of his rivals to run as President, (Democratic party) he would not win as President. The polls are high for Hillary. I'll stretch my neck out and say that Hillary will get the nomination. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

    What say you?

    Guest 77

  • blondie

    At first I thought this was about drafting hillary_step for something.

    The name of the game is winning. If a political party thinks a person can win....

  • elamona

    I gladly look forward to her being drafted and sent to the front lines without 2,000 Secret Service Guards, no weapon and a big cross hairs sign painted on her uniform. That's the only draft I'm interested in seeing for Hillary.

  • rocketman
    At first I thought this was about drafting hillary_step for something.

    Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton and Hillary_Step are one and the same. There's just the minor matter of one's being female and one being male. Minor detail.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    OK, Blondie and Rocketman you got me laughing this morning. Good way to start the day.

    Hmmmm, could she be a modern-day Jezebel? With all this talk about removing God and Nativity scenes/display from public schools and public places, the question is, what's next and what repercussions will this have on the lives of North Americans? Are we headed towards a revolution in North America?

    Guest 77

  • Gretchen956
    could she be a modern-day Jezebel? With all this talk about removing God and Nativity scenes/display from public schools and public places, the question is, what's next and what repercussions will this have on the lives of North Americans? Are we headed towards a revolution in North America?

    OMG, are you kidding? Not everyone in this country is a christian. The country was founded in order to increase religious tolerance. You will never see a pentagram in a public building. You will never see a manorah. I'm not going to cry myself silly over those even though I embrace one of them.

    Fundamentalism, whether its the dubs, the religious right, Islamic or Muslim, is just plain scary.

    Personally I think that Hillary threatens a lot of men because she is intelligent, independent, and very capable. I would vote for her over the shrub any day of the week. So many of these threads start getting to name calling, pointing fingers, and threats. It is sad. Loosen up, life is great.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Aaaah the woman who was shocked her husband cheated on her, yes she'd make a very good President. Since I support Bush I'd love Dean to run against him as I think he'd be very easy to beat. But to be honest Hillary scares me, not because I'm afraid she'd win but because I think she'd make a horrible president.

    But we'll see, the demos need to get behind someone soon. The longer it takes to unify the more difficult it will take to give their candidate strong backing.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Grethchen956, no I'm not kiddding. Have you been following the news of late? Even Senator Joseph Lieberman who was interviewed last night was concerned over the events that are taking place. This is reality. Don't worry about me, I'm loose as a goose. As I've said, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, period.

    As to 'increase' religious tolerance, its the ACLU that's promoting to remove God and the Nativity scene in public school & places! Who are they?

    Guest 77

  • Gamaliel


    Rumor has it that Hillary Clinton and Hillary_Step are one and the same. There's just the minor matter of one's being female and one being male. Minor detail.


  • hillary_step

    Hillary Step

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