Movement to 'Draft" Hillary

by Guest 77 100 Replies latest social current

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    bisous, though Solomon said, "That which is crooked cannot be made straight..." when it comes to personal and collective freedoms, I'm there. Some men have tried to slow the tide of corruption in government, but it still flourishes. However, this doesn't mean we just throw our hands up and say, the hell with it, rather, it shows that some people recognize the evils and want to make a positive impact for the good of all. But do ALL elected politicians think in the same vein?

    Guest 77

  • bisous


    No I do not believe all elected officials are the same.

    And the majority of the Rs & Ds stand up in front of us and spew garbage at one point or another. none of these things perpetrated by any of these individuals is right.

    let me quote myself (lol, how fun)...what I said was majority, and that is my opinion. All the more reason to get involved when you believe you have found one in the minority. My interpretation of involvement is more than using words, but actions. Some of the most meaningful impacts happen at the local government level and we all have opportunities there which can feel more relevant.

    Most of what I see here on this thread and similar ones are posts which paint with a broad brush and polarize people. I also see some half-truths and propaganda type info, which we are fed from mainstream televised news which many Americans accept and repeat as gospel.

    I say, don't accept as fact everything you hear on network t.v. There is a lot of rich, well researched information out there if you are willing to do your homework. No one should have only one source for their news and information. Reading (or listening openly to) all sides of a matter help to see the entire picture.

  • Swickley
    If Bush is such a lame-ass, as you state, what does that make Hillary for saying?

    Red--- that makes her a "politician." Note that I did not say she was perfect, in fact, I still disagree with her vote to give Bush -- not congress-- the power to go to war. Regardless, I would still prefer to have Hillary in charge rather than the current Whitehouse imposter who has sold out the American people to big business and insurance companies.

  • DakotaRed
    Regardless, I would still prefer to have Hillary in charge rather than the current Whitehouse imposter who has sold out the American people to big business and insurance companies.

    Your privilege to want whoever you wish, regardless of how bad she would screw the country up. But, what makes you think all the selling out is from Bush? Didn't Enron and start their rip offs during her and her husbands administration? Clearly a year before they left office, economists were warning of the recession that did hit right after Bush took office.

    I get a kick out of seeing the Democrats claiming how the Republicans are the party of pork, after all the pork barrell projects initiated by Sen Robert Byrd, D. W.V. a short time ago. Big business contributes to both parties to maintain their power base. But, the Democrats have successfully instigated suck class envy amongst the American people that too many people think the Dems are saviors, when they not only cater to big business also, but raise your taxes as well. Yes, they have raised corporate taxes in the past, but what few realize is that regardless of who is in office, corporations pay no taxes, you pay them for them through higher prices on goods and services.

    I remember a few years ago, the Dems enacted a luxury tax on the wealthy on Yachts. The wealthy just went and bought Yachts overseas and many Yacht manufacturers ended up closing due to lack of business. Who did they help then? How many little people lost jobs over that?

    Currently, I see the Republicans almost as bad as the Dems, but at least I get to keep more of my paycheck under them. Of course, they need to curtail present congressional spending, but pork barrell projecs is what is seems gets votes to stay in power. Both are as guilty as the other in pork spending.

    If it were up to me, no government official would get another pay raise that wasn't voted on by the people. Note, both parties put their differences aside to vote their own pay raises in every year. Did you realize that until the Republicans gained both houses in the early 90's, Congress exempted themselves from the very laws they passed governing us? And, they get price breaks on lunches, haircuts and such, not to mention their worldwide travel at our expense, first class, of course.

    Getting back to Hillary, while I feel there are several women capable to run the government, I fail to see where Hillary qualifies at all. Of all the people in our government, she is one of the most opportunistic people I have ever seen. Did she ever apologize for claiming the "vast right wing conspiracy" was accusing Bill of sexual inpropieties with Monica Lewinski, after he admitted to it, later on? No.

    Did you ever see her rant about how she is tired of hearing any that question the administration are accused of being non-patriotic and goes on to state that we have a right to question any administration? But, how did she act when her administration was questioned? What happened to the peoples right to question then? Why was a member of the audience being excorted out at the very moment she was stating that as he tried to question her actions?

    Your choice and freedom to vote for whoever you want, but many people have opened their eyes to the Clintons and even Democrats are getting tired of them and their underhanded technigues.I got fed up with Democrats when Jimmy Carter finagled his way into the Presidency.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    "In politics nothing happens by accident, if it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    Guest 77

  • Swickley
    Did she ever apologize for claiming the "vast right wing conspiracy" was accusing Bill of sexual inpropieties with Monica Lewinski, after he admitted to it, later on? No.

    Are you saying she should apologize for a right-wing conspiracy that exists and has but one objective -- to destroy her husband? If you have any doubts that such a movement exists, I strongly suggest that you read "The Clinton Wars" by Sydney Blumenthall. Read all the facts -- this conspiracy is not an illusion. What amazes me most is the lackadaisical attitudes of most people -- there is so much information out there but very few care to absorb it.

    Bill Clinton lied about a BJ, which was an act between two consenting adults, private, and not something any of us would want to broadcast. If Monica wants to blow him, I say, so be it -- it's between them. Other than HIllary, it's no one's business; so I can understand her position. She stood by him even though he was not honest with her about the affair -- I still admire her loyalty.

    As for Bill's sex lie, no one died from it. It was not an act of treason against this country. It was not a matter for public discussion either, but it's all the right-wing could get on him. On the other hand, Bush's lies are deadly serious and have resulted in dire consequences.

    Bill Clinton gave us: the FMLA, the Women's Heatlth Protection Act, the Violence Against Women Act, EITC Tax Cuts which gave 15 million working families additional tax relief, proposed and passed the $1,500 HOPE Scholarship credits (making the first two years of college universally available for 6 million students), and the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit (a 20 percent credit helping more than 7 million students offset tuition costs for college or lifetime learning; the single largest investment in Health Care for Children since 1965 ($24 billion State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)); HIPPA: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, which helps individuals keep health insurance when they change jobs, guarantees renewability of coverage, and ensures access to health insurance for small businesses; the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) which protects the employment and re-employment rights of members of the military; Clinton appointed the First Women Ever to Serve as Attorney General, Janet Reno; and Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright; The Clintons also gave us: the most New Jobs Ever Created Under a Single Administration; Lowered Unemployment to its Lowest Level in More than 30 Years; and the Largest Surplus Ever: The surplus in FY 2000 was $237 billion, the third consecutive surplus and the largest surplus ever in history.


    * lied about and forced us into an unjustified war; destroyed our good will with the rest of the world;

    * created a record $374 billion budget deficit in 2003, the largest shortfall in history-- but for 2004, however, the deficit was expected to surge to more than $500 billion

    *Bush pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol global warming treaty (reversed a campaign pledge to legislate limits on C02 emissions from U.S. power plants) and rejected safeguards that protect our families from arsenic in our
    drinking water;

    * Bush issued a proposal to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and made retractions on several environmental policies that were passed in the final days of the Clinton administration which were to cut
    arsenic in water and protect roadless areas in national forests.

    * Bush tax break plan-- 43% goes to the richest Americans. Some individuals will benefit to the tune of millions of dollars. To name two examples, Vice President Dick Cheney and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill
    will see income tax savings of $1.7 million and $3.5 million, respectively. As a matter of fact, under this tax cut the top Bush administration officials, including the president, will see more than $88 million in tax saving.

    So, Red, is that $200 you saved in taxes this year really worth it??

  • DakotaRed

    I guess the Clintons didn't really lie since others weren't entitled to know the truth, huh? Too bad he wasn't paying more attention to world matters instead of Monica, maybe some things could have been avoided. I'm always amazed how the Clintons sleazy conduct is justified to the left, then you go on to attack Bush. Again, I ask and still wait for an answer, why is it that character didn't matter for 8 years, but now it does? As for your claims about Bush;


    * lied about and forced us into an unjustified war; destroyed our good will with the rest of the world;

    Please document these lies. Many of us, in fact, by the polls, the majority, feel the war is justified and yes, could be handled better. But war is unpredictable. What good will? America has been looked down upon with jealousy for most of the 20th century. Even during WW2, the Brits had a saying about American GIs, "they are over sexed, overpaid and over here." Some good will, huh? Still quite a few nations signed on in support of the war. But, if not France, Germany et. al. I guess the rest don't count.

    * created a record $374 billion budget deficit in 2003, the largest shortfall in history-- but for 2004, however, the deficit was expected to surge to more than $500 billion
    And when has the US economy not been in a deficit? Even Clintons much ballyhooed surplus was a paper surplus, hopefully to come about, maybe, someday.
    *Bush pulled out of the Kyoto Protocol global warming treaty (reversed a campaign pledge to legislate limits on C02 emissions from U.S. power plants) and rejected safeguards that protect our families from arsenic in ourdrinking water;
    Thank God he did pull out of the Kyoto Protocol. Maybe you should read it and study it before you lambaste him for that. That is, unless you feel the US should be paying for everything worldwide connected with it, while the majority of other nations signed onto it, the ones that contribute 80% of pollution combined, are exempted from complying with it.
    * Bush issued a proposal to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and made retractions on several environmental policies that were passed in the final days of the Clinton administration which were to cut arsenic in water and protect roadless areas in national forests.

    And do you live in this Artic National Wildlife Refuge? It amazes me that it is those not living there that want to block exploration there and have never seen what a real wasteland it is. Of course, lessening our dependence on foreign oil isn't a priority either, is it? Why not leave Alska to the Alaskans?

    * Bush tax break plan-- 43% goes to the richest Americans. Some individuals will benefit to the tune of millions of dollars. To name two examples, Vice President Dick Cheney and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill will see income tax savings of $1.7 million and $3.5 million, respectively. As a matter of fact, under this tax cut the top Bush administration officials, including the president, will see more than $88 million in tax saving.

    Are you really that naive? You sure have fallen for the class envy, haven't you? When will you wake up and realize that the top 1% of wage earners are paying 50% of all taxes?

    So, Red, is that $200 you saved in taxes this year really worth it??

    Yes, cause you see, I'm saving a bit more than the $200 you claim and I'm nowhere near wealthy. Too bad you don't get some straight facts instead of falling for the class envy nonsense liberals are using to allow socialism to take over the country. But, that might also require some searching and thinking for yourself, instead of having the elites do it for you..

  • Swickley
    But, that might also require some searching and thinking for yourself, instead of having the elites do it for you..

    I would have to agree with you that educating yourself is the key to understanding. BTW -- did you read "The Clinton Wars"? It's a two-way street, you see...

  • copsec

    Bluck! Clintons! Bluck! I cannot take them anymore! Did Bill lying about his blow job that should have been private cause anyone to die? NO! Did he commit perjury and get out of it? YES! I would have went to jail if I had lied the way that jackass did but because he is Bill "sleazy ass" Clinton he gets by with it.OK! I will stay out of this discussion from now on cause it sickens me

  • DakotaRed
    Bluck! Clintons! Bluck! I cannot take them anymore! Did Bill lying about his blow job that should have been private cause anyone to die?

    Directly, no. But, when the top person in the country has no moral character, how can you expect others to? Did the lack of character lead to others in high places to let their morals go and just take what pleases them? Something to think about with all the fraud that started with many companies eventually collapsing. Citizens usually follw their leader and if he has no character, why should the citizens?

    You think the BJ was so innocent and no ones business? Think again. What any President does in the Oval Office is not private.

    "The other thing we have to do is to take seriously the role in this problem of...older men who prey on underage women... There are consequences to decisions way or the other, people always wind up being held accountable" -- Bill Clinton on teen pregnancy in 1996

    "I ask that all Americans demonstrate in their personal and public lives...the high ethical standards that are essential to good character and to the continued success of our Nation -- Bill Clinton in 1997 during National Character Counts Week.

    "The road to tyranny, we must never forget, begins with the destruction of the truth" -- Bill Clinton in 1995

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