OK Euph, the game is not over. The first hurdle is jumped, now we have to wait for the second. If we had reliable crystal balls we would know the answer, right?
Guest 77
by Guest 77 100 Replies latest social current
OK Euph, the game is not over. The first hurdle is jumped, now we have to wait for the second. If we had reliable crystal balls we would know the answer, right?
Guest 77
The point you ignore is that time and again when there are tax cuts...government revenues increase, not decrease.
And the point you ignore is that it is much much more complicated than that. If that were all there is to it, then hey, let's just schedule a tax cut every year! Brilliant!.
Gotta love an "increase" that doesn't in any way cover the decrease. Someone's fallen for politico speech again.
Guest... if you wanna bet $30, I'm on.
Someone's fallen for politico speech again.
My guess is that would be you.
Those who oppossed the tax cuts now have nothing to cripe about...the Economy has grown more in this year then it has since the Reagan Tax cuts of 1983. When people have more money...they spend it...which grows the economy...which increases revenues.
Now we need to get rid of some of these darned entitlement programs so that I can support my family and have some extra...rather than supporting my family and my brother in law...who hasn't had a job in ages because he can get welfare...even trained his kids to do so.
Social Security benefits should be means tested and allowed to privatize...Medicare the same...and prescription drugs...only for those who TRULLY can't afford it....more medical savings account...less government funded give aways.
Your on Euph., your on.
Guest 77
"they are very much more sincere about their public service than the group in the white house now" Now, that's a real howler. The only thing the Clinton's have ever been interested in is serving themselves. Their "common man" charade is so funny, they're as elitist as they come.
I know people in Arkansas that know the Clinton's personally and they say Hillary is much, much worse than Bill in any area you care to list.
A lot of what Clinton and the REPUBLICAN congress accomplished was due to the tax cuts of Reagan
I dunno I may be wrong, but wasn't there a tax increase proposed by Clinton and mainly him alone in the early part of his administration that was needed to offset the deficits caused by 12 years of spending by the Reagan and Bush Sr. administrations?
The twelve years of spending...much of it Democratic spending in congress...was necessary to end the cold war. The Dems spent $3 for every new dollar Reagan brought into the government coffers. I seem to remember the economy taking a dip about the same time as this proposed tax hike was proposed. How is it that raising taxes helps the economy? Oh, it doesn't. And remember, the current recession we're coming out of with the best figures in 20 years...that was started under Clinton.
As you went on to be concerned about, the money in the tax cuts was taken and put on the tab of our children and grandchildren. It has to come from somewhere, politicians love to take it from the future
I think this is true. I believe that tax cuts will probably always lead to future tax increases, unless those tax cuts serve to permanently shrink the size of gov and the services it provides. Theoretically I think it's a good idea, however Republicans tend to focus only on the social services government provides. YThose are the ones they'd like to see gone. However, tax breaks to huge corporations who send jobs overseas despite posting record profts and insane spending on defense is ok I guess.
The twelve years of spending...much of it Democratic spending in congress...was necessary to end the cold war. The Dems spent $3 for every new dollar Reagan brought into the government coffers. I seem to remember the economy taking a dip about the same time as this proposed tax hike was proposed. How is it that raising taxes helps the economy? Oh, it doesn't. And remember, the current recession we're coming out of with the best figures in 20 years...that was started under Clinton.
Well....I seem to remember that the sluggish economy of the previous Bush admin was one of the main reasons Clinton managed to get elected.