Are you kidding? If I actually spoke my mind on some of these threads, Sheila would thump me a good one.
I tend toward the radical conservitive.
Did I mention I was running for God Emperor of the Universe?
Are You Able To Critically Express Yourself Here?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
Thunder Rider
C'mon, Thunder---Show her your a man........... Thunder did it bother you when the big guy (I can't think odf his name) got busted for drugs?
In answer to your question I would NEVER express MY opinion on the Board
MUCH!!!!!!My name is MOUTHY!!!! If I get deleted then I must deserve it....( God is not finished with me yet
Thunder Rider
Min, if you're talking about Rush, no. If a person can't walk the walk they deserve what they get.
I have to ask: If you are a guest of Simon -- as all of us are -- why are you the one asking this question? Shouldn't that be done by our host?
I think Logansrun and I are on the same page here. If this is Simon's house, then Minimus has no right to invite us to criticise the decor.
little witch
oh for petes sakes.
Minimus is only able to react to the world by questions. For his situation, that is a big enough obstacle.
How do you see something evil in a someone who is only able to relate to life with a question mark attatched?
Mini is harmless, and is making leaps and bounds in growth.... leave off with the picking apart.
He is not hurting anyone, or trolling....He simply has a different way of communicating with people. I can see where a life - long relationship with dubs can make one so careful of their feelings that everything must be questioned. Odd, but understandable.
However, he has never been mean or unruly, and thus does not deserve to have his charactor questioned.
However, he has never been mean or unruly, and thus does not deserve to have his charactor questioned.
It wasn't his character I questioned, just his question!
little witch
Oh, Ok. LOL
I really shouldn't post while drinking....LOL
I absolutely am able to express myself--critically or otherwise--here. However, I also know how some people express themselves here and I will not post something that may evoke a response from one of them unless it is something both important to me and something I'm willing to fight over. So, yeah, I feel free--but I'm mindful of consequences and I choose my battles carefully.
We can disagree without resorting to ad hominim