Are You Able To Critically Express Yourself Here?
Not always, but then I find that there are many social, business, and even on-line situations on non JW boards when I feel similarly, so it is not a big deal to me and certainly not a situation where I would drag into the issue past emotional baggage from my Jehovah's Witness days. Whenever I see a comparison to Kingdom Hall's, elders, disfellowshipping, marking etc. when curtailment of expression is demanded , such as is practiced on most non XJW discussion boards that I have seen, I tend to think that the person doing so is in danger of regressing to ?Theocratic think?.
When was the last time you heard a JW in full preaching mode admit that they were wrong? I suspect very seldom. When was the last time you read an XJW admitting they were wrong in an argument? It does happen, but not regularly and certainly not easlily..
Perhaps there is a correlation with this scenario. We were taught as JW's that we had the 'truth' that nobody else did and everybody else had inferior viewpoints to our own. This form of self-hypnosis filled us a sort of stunning arrogance that allowed the uneducated to feel that they had not just the ability but the right to patronize the educated with pseudo science and illogical theology. None of us, however we might like to feel about it, were immune from this conditioning.
This habit, of always thinking that what we believe is right and handed to us by God is not an easy one to shake from our lives and frankly admitting to ignorance on a matter is not an easy thing for many of us XJW's to handle either.
Best regards - HS