Your Ideas On The Bible?

by shamus 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LittleToe

    Wanna define what you mean by the word "inspired"?

    I find it amusing when folks express their opinions as fact, just because of the number of hours research they have put into something.
    If we get to the wonderful state of being "all-knowing god's", maybe it'll carry some weight. But until then it is, alas, an opinion.

    Just my opinion

  • patio34

    ((((Little Toe))))) You're so cute the kind way you express your opinions. Of course, that's just my opinion too


  • bisous

    Historical fiction is what I think....

  • LittleToe


    And in my opinion, what a lovely opinion you hold

  • expatbrit

    When Christians understand why they reject inspiration of the holy writings of other religions, then they will understand why I reject inspiration of the bible.


  • LittleToe

    Paint me blue, and call me Dandy, but I'm a Christian and I accept the worth of other religious writings

  • expatbrit


    If I paint you blue, I'll call you Boudicca.

    Um...anyway....worth and inspiration: two different things, yes? Is the Koran inspired of God?


  • LittleToe

    As I further mentioned - what do you mean by "inspiration"?

    I think there is value (worth) in many written works, though that doesn't make them inspired (or inspiring) in totality.

    Sadly, I have to go out - I'll have a look at this thread again tomorrow.
    Until then...

  • Euphemism
    SM62: Well, to be honest, it also takes a lot of faith NOT to believe in God or the Bible. To believe that the huge variety of life on Earth just came about through a big bang or something takes a hell of a lot of faith in my book.

    Well, there are others on this board who are in a much better position than I am to defend the theory of evolution. But with all due respect, I would suggest that that's beside the point. I don't think you have to believe in the Bible to believe in a Creator.

    Here's my suggestion... imagine that you were born in India, and had grown up a Hindu. You would have been taught that there is a Creator, and that there are many holy books, but that none of them are uniquely God's word. So, if you were looking at the Bible from the outside, as someone who wasn't raised a Christian... is there anything about it that would convince you that it is God's word?

  • stillajwexelder

    To be honest I am no longer totally sure -- there is absolutely no doubt in my mind from the books I have read and the research done that the account in the All Scripture Is Inspired book published by the WTBTS , is wrong. There is no question that Moses DID NOT write the first 5 books for example. There is also no question that the collection of New Testament books was put together by the Roman Catholic Church/early church fathers. We may never have all the correct answers, but I am convinced the light will get brighter. In spired by God -- well I do not know - but I doubt it.

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