Simon, now that you have all these certificates and all this computer knowledge, I have a very serious question I need to ask you:
Where the hell is the "Any Key" ????
by Simon 67 Replies latest jw friends
Simon, now that you have all these certificates and all this computer knowledge, I have a very serious question I need to ask you:
Where the hell is the "Any Key" ????
You keep in touch. I hope to hear the two of you had a real quiet evening together. If necessary Joy and I will fly over there to watch the boys.
Btw, what is this "OU exam" about:
Hopefully it will be a double celebration 'cause she should get her OU exam results back sometime soon.
In our household the "O" part stands for Obstetrics.
O=Open, as in "Open University"
It's a university course she's been doing from home (with a few tutorials nearby) on earth sciences (rocks, fossils, geology, plate tektonics and all that stuff !)
She's possibly going to get a job as erm ... a , er ... pebble.
I said:
In our household the "O" part stands for Obstetrics.
you responded:
O=Open, as in "Open University"
Thanks Simon, we don't have that here. Hope she is happy with the test results.
(Bet you couldn't type fast enough to correct that one)
10 Print Congrats Simon!
20 Print I know a bit of BASIC...will that get me anything?
30 goto 10
will that get me anything?
Not now, your caught in a loop.
Steve, who also wasted time learning basic two decades ago.
To da man...My "Godfather" of the JWD board...way to pull the job off!!!
Thanks so much for all your hard work and effort Simon!!!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! ! ! !
Okay, Simon.
That MCSD thing does not suck, and congrats -
Perhaps you'll be ready to tackle some MACINTOSH issues now out of boredom.
Just a {{{Hugfilled}}} thought {{and hoping you'll someday realize the superiority of/ actual existence of macs}}}
Defending the rights of macintosh-users' existence everywhere, even though you'll completely ignore me and whatever,