Born Again?

by IT Support 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    To those who consider themselves Christian...

    Is it possible to be a Christian without being 'born again'?

    Did you get baptised again after leaving JWs?



    PS: I've just noticed this has been posted to the Jokes & Humour section. How do I change it to Friends? How do you select which section a new topic will be posted to?

  • mouthy

    Yep! I was baptised again after Oct 20th 1989 When I was born again... No joke! But my daughters who were raised as JW - did not -they said they knew who Jesus was a JWs. I didnt ,,,I thoought he was micheal the Ark Angel.... Sorry I dont know how to change your post.I am just a baby(wink)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    How do you select which section a new topic will be posted to?

    I took care of it for you. Select the section you want and then click on "new topic". That way the topic will show up under the correct section.

  • Euphemism

    Ken... I'm not a Christian. Ray Franz is one, however, and I thought his take on this subject was interesting.

    I can't find the exact citation in his books at the moment, unfortunately. But he suggested that being "born again" is not necessarily a momentous and momentary conversion experience. Rather, it is the process of constant renewal that is experienced by all those allow themsevles to be "led by the spirit." (Ro 8:14)

    He mentioned that while some felt that that had found Jesus after leaving the Watchtower, he personally felt that he had left the Watchtower precisely because of his relationship with Jesus. He didn't experience any sudden change in that relationship, just a progressive deepening as he freed himself from the ideas that had been imposed by the Watchtower.

    I'm sorry I don't have the specific reference; if I can find it later, I'll post it.

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine
    To those who consider themselves Christian...

    Is it possible to be a Christian without being 'born again'?

    Did you get baptised again after leaving JWs?



    Hi Ken,

    I was born again while still an active Witness. I myself though did not get rebaptized after I left the Witnesses. I suppose it depends on the individual and what their conscience or God's spirit directs them to do.

    As for your question whether it's possible to be a Christian without being born again, this I cannot say for others but for myself anyone who loves Jehovah and the Christ is a Christian regardless if they feel they are born again or not. But that's just my opinion.

    Nice to meet you,


  • JT

    the bible teaches and its followers accept that if you don't have the classification of Born Again, God is going to Kill you- so with that as your option is it any wonder that believers speak in terms of how much they love their Heavenly father-

    for some reason i just don't believe that most fathers would not Kill their kids just because they don't share their views on issues-

    just think about this, you can be kind, loving, generous, good natured, friendly,not curse, not smoke, pay your taxes on time, feed the poor, provide shelter for the homeless, be a loving father, husband, wife or mother, and yet in the eyes of a "believer" their god views you no better than Hitler or a person who lies, cheats, steals and murders for a living yep you are Dirt if you don't do it the way we say do it-

    yep according their their belief system---despite living a life entirely OPPOSITE of a murder, rapist, pedophile, etc ---you are still no better and deserving of death and in some cases depending on the belief system you and i will be roasting right beside Hitler in hell


  • JT
    for some reason i just don't believe that most fathers would not Kill their kids just because they don't share their views on issues-

    for some reason I believe that most fathers would not Kill their kids just because they don't share their views on issues- but the father of most believers would - how sad

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    What the Watchtower taught is not what Jesus taught. I'm a Johannine Christian which means that I accept the testimony of the Gospel known as the Gospel of John as the closest to what the Christ taught.

    In the Gospel of John Christ taught inclusion not exclusion. So I agree with you that God will not destroy people simply because they are not born again Christians or because they are not Christians at all. It is a person's heart that matters and not their outside religious or non-religious garb.


  • JT
    So I agree with you that God will not destroy people simply because they are not born again Christians or because they are not Christians at all

    this is truly an interesting Post- I would like for to know how many Believers accept this position? that one doesn't have to be a Christian, that being the case then a Muslium, Buddist or Hindu is on the same level as a christian-

    what this poster fails to realize is that by taking this (Weak position- as viewed by die hard believers) is that the poster has made the blood of jesus have no more value than that of some Hindu god

    i realize the catch 22 that this poster is in, TO ADMIT THAT HER God will kill anyone not a christian sounds too harsh and illogical-

    yet the very book that she claims to believe clearly provides NO OTHER WAY TO SALVATION-

    This is the very reason why belief system are all the same- they all follow the same line of reasoning

    "Fail to worship my god the way he says and you die"

    for posters like the above they realize and see that it sounds goofy, problem is that is what thier belief system teaches

    any honest examination of the bible does not prove anyone with any other option for salvation or gods approval- DO IT OR DIE

    what i have found in talking to believers is when you hold their feet to the fire of the BOTTOM LINE OF THIER BELIEF SYSTEM they feel very uncomfortable

    only twice have i seen a BELIEVER finally come out and admit

    "Damn right if you don't live according to the BIBLE, not the Koran or any other book god is going to roast your Black A$$" smile

    and my friend that is the bottom line of your belief system, i apppreciate you trying to change the window dressing, but you can't

    just calling a spade a spade

    if any believer can show me from the bible where a person is given the OPTION of having salvation without accepting the bible PLEASE PROVIDE THE SCRIPTURAL REF I WOULD LOVE TO READ IT

    from what i have read for the past 35yrs you are toast if you don't follow the bible- bottom line


  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    You have no idea what I believe yet you proceed to not only demean my unstated beliefs but also to speak about me in the third person.

    If I have offended you in some way then please accept my apologies. I am not here to argue in fact that was one of things that caused me to hesitate posting here in the first place. If you had asked me why I said what I did I would have been more than happy to answer. It seems though you have your own beliefs as to what my beliefs are so there is no point in discussing it is there?

    I hope you had a good Christmas.



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