Hi Shy Tears..
I have a 17 year old and can't imagine how upside down he would would be if he had to go through all this stuff.. My 17 year old is too busy with homework and friends and part time jobs and trying to map out what he's going to do after grade 12....(These sort of things are the only kind of pressures that 17 year old should be under.... not "Religious Pressure"..
It does hurt, when your disfellowshipped.. I'd be lying if I said it didn't ...
Hang on to your self esteem through this.. and be confident in yourself...You are a very intelligent person.
Hope you have ones you can call and talk to on the phone.. cousins? were mentioned..
also hope you have some friends at school....Lean on any appropriate ex J.W.'s that you can..
Music can help get you though some low points, too...
People your age shouldn't have to be exposed to this kind of religious abuse...It' JUST NOT RIGHT!!!!
We're all behind you 100 % ... Your cyber-ex-jw friends.. who think your just GREAT!!!!.
Special K