im very upset

by Shytears 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((Shytears))), ya little sweetie....and what an adorable avatar, hon.....lotsa good advice here. Take from it what you need to see you through this. I sat front and center for my disf-ing, KNOWING they were wrong and had NO love to give anyone. When you know this, the truth has set you FREE, chere....

    We're rootin' for ya, hon!

    Frannie B

  • mouthy

    Go wild, get laid and do whatever you feel will make you happy, your future is an open freeway spread out in front of you just waiting for you to take the first steps on the journey to the rest of your life. The journey is an adventure and should be enjoyed to the full, ignore the destination and enjoy the journey, enjoy the here and now.( This was Satanslittle helpers advice) NOT MINE !!!! Dont bother to do all that. Just know this is the first day for the rest of your life-You can get laid when the right caring,loving,man comes along....You have been released from bondage.... Use it wisely, get an education, aspire to your dreams. Your very young I wish you strennght to go through your journey from this day forth.No matter WHAT you were DF for, GOD loves you & forgives EVERYTHING!!!! If it is waht the WT calls sin, just remember THEY ( the WT) is commiting a GREATER sin by sinning against the HOLY SPIRIT..... I love you too as everyone else on this board will attest to. Why???? Because we have been there ((((HUGS))))

  • Yerusalyim

    I'm nosy...did you ever say what the "DF" offense was?
    Don't "go wild and get laid" live your your fulfillment as a human...get out and on your own and make real friends as soon as you can.

  • codeblue

    (((Shytears))) You are so young...where is the compassion from the elders??? You are just starting out in life...geez...I hope you have someone close to help you thru this rough time. Meanwhile, know that many on this board are here for you.


  • GentlyFeral
    Go wild, get laid

    No.............not good advice. Still too young, in my opinion.

    Do things to make you, work, etc.

    Well, if you think long and carefully, you can do it all. Yes, do seek out happiness.

    • It's a big, wide, wonderful world we live in. A lot of things in it are broken. Fixing some of them can bring you happiness.
    • Getting smarter brings a different kind of happiness, partly because it helps you identify and fix the broken spots.
    • Landing and keeping a job will do amazing things for your pride and self-respect.
    • Sex will bring happiness if you do it right: that is, wait until you're damn good and ready, and wait for someone who respects you and whom you respect. Be prepared to wait months or even a few more years for that someone. In the meantime you can "take things into your own hands" <wink wink nudge nudge say no more>. And don't tell me that won't improve your mood, at least in the short term!
    • And you might want to rememeber the neo-Pagan saying, "Pleasure heals." And the other neo-Pagan saying, "If it harm none, do what you will." Remember that "harm none" includes yourself.
    So here I've gone from wishing you good luck to talking about the whole rest of your life. Makes sense, really, because many of the most basic rules of your life have changed, suddenly. Welcome to the land of the living -- now live! GentlyFeral
  • Sentinel

    (((Shytears))) The first time I was df'd, I was 21. Apparently you are much younger. It is very difficult if you still reside within the home and you have to deal with sibblings and parents. My heart goes out to you. If you are still under your parent's control, you will just have to settle back and wait it out. Time has a way of healing these deep wounds.

    You have friends here and you aren't alone. You are worthy to love and to be loved. Take it one day at a time.


  • zanex

    Yep I was 17 too when I got the big DF and I took the get wild and party road...balance the party with a pursuit of individual betterment. Always remember that you are NOT the sum of those jw announcements. The REAL truth is the one that you find in self-discovery. It isnt easy...I think that everyone here can agree on that one but with the help and support of ones here and possibly ones within your area that are non-jws it IS survivable. THe road is long and the difficult but the reward to surviving it is freedom-REAL freedom. I wish you the best!


  • sandy

    Shytears, I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I strongly urge you to take everyone's advice here about going to college.

    Education will open your mind and doors to opportunity. You are still very young with a bright future ahead of you.

    Good luck and best wishes.


  • Azalo

    I was 17 when I got out ( see my profile) the best advice that I can give you is go to college, even if it means getting into debt. I still owe 10K for my education but I dont regret it one bit. Going to college opens up a completely different world than the one you are used to and you will have no problems making friends, even if you had a hard time with that in high school. If you have to go to community college first that is cool. Or join the military, I have done both and I dont regret either one, although the first year in the military you will be asking yourself why the hell did I trade in one controlling institution for an even more controlling one, but it gets better, a lot better.

    If you are getting df'd and your heart is not in the JW religion than dont even start the reinstatement charade. Move out as soon as you can whether it be to go to college or the military. I personally wouldnt reccommend just trying to work because without the social structure that college or military can provide for you, you might just end up being very lonely. Oh and dont think i'm being too pushy with the military thing but I think it is a great option for a young person who doesnt quite know what to do with their lives.

  • Azalo


    I just went back and read through your posts and it is pretty weird how similar your life is right now to mine when I was 17. I wasn't nearly as courageous as you though. You know, even though it may seem harsh now I think getting Df'd might be the best thing that could have happened to you, and from the story that you told about your Mom and the older friend of yours who had been DF'd I'm pretty sure she will not shun you. I hope you do go to college, you will make a lot of friends and you will see things so differently and you will eventually feel sorry for all the people that are stuck in the JW's. Dont let them ruin your life because that is exactly what they want, they want to say, "hey, remember that girl Shytears, what a shame she (killed herself, or she is a drug addict prostitute, she just sits around the house all day, she still lives with her parents and she is 30 now, etc), if only she hadnt turned her back on Jehovah, how sad" Please dont give them that satisfaction. Good luck! BTW I am in a neighboring state from you.

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