You say, just report to the police. Yes, everyone should, but often it's not that easy.
You are often bullied into NOT reporting it to the police. Sometimes people are threatened. Read all the child abuse accounts or listen or them on YouTube. How many didn't report it because they were put under extreme pressure not to? How many were threatened by the elders?
In my case, the crime happened in a different country to where I now live and it happened many years ago so I couldn't go to the police. I've battled with the damage it did to me for decades and when finally I spoke out I was treated so badly by the elders in my was shocking how badly I was treated.
Clearly they contacted the branch and being as my abuser is an elder and former temp C.O. with lots of friends in the right places I was told by the elders 'Your word against his. Nothing we can do.' Two witness rule.
They didn't want to know. I was ignored. After summoning up the courage to finally speak out I was brushed aside as if I was a waste of their time. It was like being abused all over again.
Yes, you are right. Report to the people. Definitely. But spare some compassion for people who just are not able to do that.
That's why they need to change it. That's why people protest.