There was a time when a JW adult rape victim who had a knife at their throat would be DFed for not crying out. Eventually that crap was dropped and rape in the JW world came to be considered a stand alone crime that needed to be reported to the police.
However within the corporate structure of the JW construct an innocent child still needs to have a second witness to prove that they were sexually abused. And parents are/were intentionally blocked/discouraged from reporting this crime.
The ARC found evidence within the WT Australian Branch of 1006 cases of child sexual abuse dating back to 1950 and not a one was reported to the police. Why? Because there was not a second witness. Why? Because that was an enforced policy of the WTBTS so a parent(s) who did report the crime could be or would be disfellowshiped.
The good old WTBTS.....perfected the trick of piling one crime on another to make it all go away.
I am not sure the Society even recognizes that child sexual abuse is a serious crime. They seem to be following the Catholic Church's playbook of not encouraging reporting child sexual abuse as a crime because for them it's merely a sin.
By leaving the two witness rule intact ........ the Society makes it clear that they are not about protecting their children, that they really don't intend to change a single thing about how that situation needs to be handled.
In reality they are about protecting their corporate image their brand.
To this day they still try to hinder parents from going to the police immediately....the Elders are not encouraged to report this crime immediately but they are encouraged to report this crime to the WTBTS legal department to get their instructions. which is about if there is a mandatory law in their state (USA) that they must inform the police.
The burden is still put on the parent....... who now has to worry about their own role, with regard to their obedience to the Society and the local Elders.
Since half of the known child sexual abuse takes place within the family the abuse can continue for years. And as the ARC and some revealing cases here have shown....... the abuse can continue for years.