You Have One Shot.

by Englishman 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    I've used this line at least twice in the past, but it was definately to be confrontational, not "delicate"

    " I caught sight of the disgusting thing, (WTBTS) standing where it ought not to be, so I fled.

    A definite conversation ender!

    xjw_b12 "Millions Now Living Will Never Die Know"

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    This will normally take the form of you being asked if you ever feel that maybe one day you will return to the truth.

    My reponse would be, "I stopped considering it 'the truth' when I found out most of the things the society said about themselves were lies. I just can't be a part of an organization like that."

    I still get occasional 'pass around the joke' emails from someone whose whole family we had been close to. If she ever asked I'd tell her the truth (gently), but since she doesn't ask I don't bring it up.

    Another former friend who is an elder's wife who was also on the 'joke list' apparently saw my name among those being forwarded, and sent me one of those "are you approved assocation?" questions along with a "I hope you haven't fallen into false religion, come back to the hall" comment.

    I told her that, when we were studying with JWs, we were told that, no matter how difficult it was, and no matter how much it upset our friends and family to become JWs, that you should not stay in a false religion just to please others.

    I told her that, no matter how difficult it was to upset and disappoint our friends who were JWs, once we had found sufficient evidence that the society was not who it claimed to be, we could not in good conscience remain JWs just to please others.

    They never know what to say to that, using their own arguments against them...

  • belbab

    Once when a couple of witnesses came to my door, and they learned that I was no longer with their organisation, they asked me, Why did I leave Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Without thinking I responded, I didn't leave Jehovah's Witnesses, they left me!

    I always thought of Jesus' words: to not prepare beforehand what to say when you are brought up on the carpet. What ever comes into your mind to say on the spur of the moment or whatever action you do is appropriate for the situation. It may be silence, anger, hostility or compassion. Whatever it is, it will be genuine.


  • crinklestein


    What evidence do you have. I would love to add to my aresnal if you would be willing to share. In regards to this topic I can't say that this will happen to me because I moved to a place that I know no one in so no one here knows I used to be a witness. Well, no witnesses know. But I do occassionally go back up to MA to visit so I may run into some old dub dubs. So Sirona, I would like to add your evidence to my pile if you are so inclined to share.

  • bebu

    This is a really interesting thread. And the answers are really, really good!

    I think it's generally good to reflect on attitudes and answers, but not to rely on them like something canned.

    When the door is open to you, that's the moment to walk on thru.


  • Stefanie

    LOVE??? There is no such thing in the WBTS!!!!!!!1

  • MegaDude

    I like saying to them, "I've never met a JW who had faith in his religion or Jehovah. JWs can tear apart other people's religions, but when they're asked serious questions by those who know their faith, they become very frightened. It doesn't seem a person with the truth or someone with Jehovah's spirit would be afraid of questions, but they are, and that makes me doubt what they have to say."

    I've said that to JWs who know I'm an ex. However, if the JW doesn't know I'm an ex, then I compliment them on being the hardest working people in the converting business, keep it light and friendly and gradually lead the discussion into problem areas of the Watchtower.

    Asking leading questions is extremely effective because you aren't telling the JW anything. This makes you less threatening to them. You're making him do all the talking while leading him where you want him to go. If you remember, Jesus answered most questions with a question. It helps open their closed minds.

  • seattleniceguy

    I liked the responses of BeenThere and asleif_dufansdottir. The suggestion that a person could leave for conscientious reasons tends to be utterly baffling to Witnesses. They are completely unprepared for such an idea, which hopefully will allow them to think about it later.


  • Sirona


    One which springs to mind is where the Watchtower printed that prior to 1914 the witnesses were spreading the correct interpretation of 1914 (they said this in a 1990's watchtower). That is an outright lie - they were saying that 1914 was armageddon and 1894 was Christ's presence. It was only after 1914 (I think in the 20's) that they changed it to say that 1914 was Christ's presence and 1894 meant nothing. In fact, there was a point where they said 1918 was armageddon (the finished mystery). Check out the XJW websites one in particular is "shauns research" which shows this very point and will tell you where to find the printed article.

    There are other "lies" in the magazines - many of them relate to how they've distorted their sources etc. Mostly they lie about their history to make things look squeaky clean.


  • Michael3000

    My response:

    "Hail Satan! Now, F**K OFF!" :)

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