This may seem like a moral dilemma. Should you discard a WatchTower or Awake and spare others the suffering poisoning their minds with WTS drivel will bring? Or take no action and let the unsuspecting public figure it out for themselves? We, as Ex JW's have inside information about the WTS. We know what falling for their lies will do to people. Would it not be a loving act to protect innocent people from this trash? Once a Mag is put on public display, it no longer belongs to the person who put it there. Anything that happens to it is beyond their control. Using the argument that if someone was putting out flyers for a business and saw someone removing them is NOT relevant here. If someone puts a flyer on my windscreen and I throw in away that is my choice, and if I know the business is fraudulent and remove flyers from other cars in the parking lot, I see that as my civic duty. But promoting a business is different that promotting a mind control cult. We know what those Mags can do to people, we should be willing to help prevent that from happening. Maverick