Got caught throwing magazines in the trash

by unbeliever 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    U could insert a questionaire asking the reader questions.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Re: Inserting brochures in JW magazins left in public venues: any recommendations as to which brochures? The Silentlambs ones are fine, but they're a one-issue item, albeit a very important one.

  • outnfree

    I destroy them, too, when I find them. In fact, like GF, I view it as great catharsis, and usually rip them in two!

    As for those who think I'm making decisions for others or taking away "freedom of speech"? What is the difference between my taking a magazine I know to be full of half-truths and distortions and destroying it, and another hospital, laudromat, doctor's office patron picking up the mag, finding it a joke (really ... once you've been out, they seem SO convoluted!), and disposing of it? Or the householder who takes the mags to be polite but immediately puts them in the circular file? And where is MY freedom of speech? By disposing of the mags, I feel I am exercising MY right to denounce in my own somewhat-fierce- (ah! the pleasure of hearing that ripping sound!) yet-non-confrontational way, a religious cult that has done me and mine and untold others serious harm. I consider it a public service.


  • xjw_b12

    Just write on the cover, ... for more info, visit

  • amac
    What is the difference between my taking a magazine I know to be full of half-truths and distortions and destroying it, and another hospital, laudromat, doctor's office patron picking up the mag, finding it a joke (really ... once you've been out, they seem SO convoluted!), and disposing of it?

    Because it is THEIR waiting room or facility, so it is up to them what magazines they allow there for their patrons to read. Its just not your place. If you hate People magazine, would you automatically seek them out in hospitals and destroy them? It seems rather petty and rude to me and I can understand why others would get pissed off.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    *Another thrower awayer here*

    I just mark it under "duty to mankind".

  • detective


    come on, now! It's the hospitals magazine? Please! The vast majority of hospitals I'm familiar with would not place religious materials in their waiting area. Unless, of course, they were a religious oriented hospital to begin with! And, seeing how Jehovah's Witnesses aren't big with the charitable causes, the liklihood that they'll be starting up a hospital of their own is slim at best!

    If a patient drops kkk literature onto a lobby table, I suppose you could claim the hospital might want it and a person shouldn't throw it out but I doubt you would! Most hospitals have volunteer offices which collect magazines for distribution to waiting areas- they don't need any unsolicited "help" in providing reading materials that are not approved by hospital community liasons/volunteer offices. Hospitals choose literature they find unoffensive. If a JW wants to test the waters to see if the hospital wants to promote their religious publishing company, they should go through the hospital volunteer office. Otherwise, they ought not put out their magazines without becoming familiar with hospital policy (note: not Suzy the JW receptionists policy).

    I consider the organization a dangerous cult. Personally, I would gladly toss their mags in the trash. Well, first I'd probably play a rockin' round of madlibs with 'em, then toss 'em.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Unbeliever, you did a FINE thing, a commendable thing.

    I salute you, and, seeing how you took this "life-saving" action while engaged in mortal physical combat with the enemy, I think you deserve a field promotion!

    Your ribbon is in the mail.

    I agree with Jeff Schwen, Maverick, Shoshana, and Detective.

    Consideriing that Shoshana is actually a student of the law and is being trained in legal analysis, I'll take her considered opinion anyday over the uninformed speculation of an amateur. Of course, that's just me.

  • wednesday
    This may seem like a moral dilemma. Should you discard a WatchTower or Awake and spare others the suffering poisoning their minds with WTS drivel will bring? Or take no action and let the unsuspecting public figure it out for

    I see no moral dilemna, just throw the rags away. They REALLY ARE PROPAGANDA and u are doing an unsuspecting person a favor by trashing them.

    Just try and be a little subtle about doing it try not to attract attention.

  • amac

    Then I guess we think differently. Again, would you walk around throwing away People magazines? How about National Enquirer? It's just rude and out of place. When I was a JW and pioneered we ALWAYS asked the hospital if we could leave magazines and they usually let us. So how do you know that they aren't there with the approval of the hospital? YOU DON'T. If the hospital doesn't want them there, they will throw them away. They don't need all knowing do gooders to decide for them what should be there, so why not mind your own business and let the hospital mind theirs? The world doesn't need Ex-JWs to save them from JWs. Just my opinion.

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