I thought I was the only one who did this!!! I felt soooooo guilty afterwards. But hey, I was praying.
by gumby 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I thought I was the only one who did this!!! I felt soooooo guilty afterwards. But hey, I was praying.
"what better place to fall asleep, than in the arms of your daddy?"
As a matter of fact, I heard something similar from the platform once! The speaker gave the example of a devout, hardworking JW praying for a good night's sleep and getting it real quick. Sorta played it for affectionate laughs.
After hearing that, I not only didn't feel guilty about falling asleep mid-prayer, but sometimes did it DELIBERATELY I was worried about things. Sort of like having your daddy sit up with you at night when you're sick.
Mostly, though, prayer was difficult for me at any time of day.
I've been surprised by the amount who have replied and related to this. It seems to be common.
I don't anybody has commented yet as to WHY we would fall asllep, talking to someone we supposedly strongly believed was LISTENING to us. Did we REALLY believe someone was there.
I think what makes the difference, is it's a one way conversation which might account for some of it. But even then.....if we were talking to someone on the phone, and we did all the talking because they couldn't speak..........would we fall asleep? I don't think so. So......what's the answer?
I dunno, I often fall asleep reading and replying to your threads
It's awful trying to clean the drool out of the keyboard.
Your question is very interesting, for I always fall asleep at the middle of my prayer before and I did ask many closed friends about theirs(usually they express same behaviour). And now, after 4 years left WTS, I found out I never fall asleep as before. I realised that, now I don't have any CULT bothers my time anymore (meetings, working hard with field service, prepare for meetings , Kingdom Hall services, etc...). YES, I'm free from "undesrved" sleeping (borrow the "undeserved" from WTS). The Cults always make you "work more and sleep less" The result is whatever they said, you 're so tired then only accept them all, a kind of brainwash. How many time at night meetings, you feel hate towards brothers and sisters give long comments ?
Prayed all the time and it felt good veerynight to fall alseep in prayer to God.
I did this ALLLLL THE TIME! But I never felt guilty. (I later found out that I have sleep apnea and without treatment, falling asleep at the drop of a hat is pretty common with this condition.) I did applogize to God for falling asleep, but I was never scared he would "smite" me or something. I think my view of Jehovah was a bit different than the one that the rest of the congregation had. I was never scared of Him. He knew what was going on in my life to make me so sleepy. So, if I fell asleep during a prayer, I'd just finish it the next morning, and insert my apology at the end of that prayer.
and insert my apology at the end of that prayer.
LOL........I used to apologize all the time.......I still felt guilty because I kept repeating night after night.
Very rarely, but it did happen.
On a related note, while we were strong JW's my wife and I figured out that the WT would put you to sleep even after a triple shot grande latte from Starbucks. Too bad we are alergic to that remedy now.......
When you were a dub.....did you ever fall asleep when you prayed in bed?
Yeah every night.