LIttle Toe:
Thanks for your supportive words about the cause of low self esteem. You seem like a really caring, intelligent guy, that really understands human feelings.
Just a guy? Don't put yourself down..I wish more guys would be like you!!!
I appreciate your post here as well. I can identify with the part about never wanting to be an elder's wife, or pioneer. I just wanted to be "me"...I remember liking a "hot" brother and was at a party one night. Things were going well until he asked the question: "are you a pioneer?" When I said "no"...he quickly dropped me like a hot potato...Sure made me feel "unworthy".
You sound a lot like me, I am always afraid to try something new in fear of "failure". I heard an interesting comment from an inciteful person recently: "You have already failed if you haven't tried." Now that comment stopped me in my tracts...I am sure your aren't a failure as you perceive. You write beautifully from the heart and seem to be very caring as well. Like I said to LT: I wish more people were like you!!!
Aztec: are surely a strong person...I admire you for your positive thinking...You have come far in life with the obstacles you have had to endure...