Jehovah God is Real

by TakeOffTheCrown 138 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Ha
    A Ha

    This really is the best that JWs have to offer, isn't it? We used to look down on Christendom, like they were such spiritual babes, but at least they could summon up some (bad) logical arguments. The best JWs can do is "you can't prove me wrong, so I'm right..." or "you weren't there!"

    Sorry, maybe I'm ruining the civility of the thread, but when you leave the JWs and their "reading the Awake magazine is like a college education!" nonsense, and are exposed to other ideas, you realize that even the above-average JWs are like kindergartners as far as logical reasoning is concerned.


    Jehovah God is Real

    SO IS HIS BUM!.............Image result for small arrow pointing down

    Image result for garden gnome mooning

  • stillin

    A Ha, You are being very civil when you compare your response to the response that you get from a Judicial Committee that you disagree with! If you have thoughts of your own, look out! You will be cut off from the people that you know, your family, maybe even people who have been some financial support for you.

    No, no! Do not try any independent thinking! You'll be treated very badly by JW's. Here, we disagree sometimes but life goes on, we get over having our precious little toes stepped on, we learn and grow.

  • Divergent


    OrphanCrow, I have an answer to your question. But if you are serious, pray about it and ask Jehovah for yourself.

    That's EXACTLY what I did before I left! I prayed to Jehovah asking him to convince me without a doubt if he is really God and if JW's really have the truth. There was no in between for me - it's either he convince me beyond doubt or I leave. I made it clear that if this is really the truth and he did not convince me and I left as a result, it is NO FAULT of mine at all and he has NO RIGHT to destroy me. What happened next was simply extrodinary!


    So I left and I am now much happier than I was before! I don't fear the future at all - if there really is a God, then he is convincing me that this organization DOES NOT have the truth rather than the opposite. I don't have to fear God at all because I live my life based on love and humanity and no one can say that is wrong!

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    I go to all the meetings, go out in field service, and am in my 6th year of being an atheist.

    I have conducted Bible studies and considered baptismal questions with unbaptized publishers as an atheist.

    A rough estimate is that I have prayed to Jehovah about 20,000 times in my life and still counting.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    TakeOffTheCrown 3 hours ago

    I find it difficult to believe that any one of you were once a part of the Christian Congregation.

    God hears your prayers as well as what you write on the internet. Think before you write.

    It's not so difficult to understand when you realize that like you, many of us began searching the internet when we realized that we weren't getting real answers at the Kingdom Hall. Some of us (me) had children or parents who died because of the blood issue. Some have lost all of their friends and family simply because they stopped going to the meetings. Others were unfairly disfellowshipped or were told to put our lives on hold and wait for a world ending event that never arrived. Like you however, we took heed of the Bible's admonition to keep testing our faith. Like you, we disobeyed the orders of those claiming to be commissioned by Jehovah to lead his people and we began communicating with other seekers. Like you, we saw that there are real answers and real evidence to be had and people who are willing to share what they've learned. That's why like you, even though it was frightening to be learning that our faith was based on untruths, we keep visiting this site, even though we were sternly warned not to do so.

    Continue to convince yourself that ignoring your leaders orders not to visit websites like this, is ok. Continue rationalizing to yourself that you are the one exception to their rule about this and stick around here to see what you can learn. Remember though, as you said, Jehovah (if he exists) sees that you are visiting this site and he sees you disobeying the orders you were given, not to do so.

    If you do keep visiting this site and if you must dispense advice and warnings to us, try to use your own thoughts and ideas rather than parrot what you've read in the latest Watchtower. We can smell Watchtower speak, a mile away. Remember that most of us (unlike yourself) are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Remember that in the eyes of the organization you are worse than us because you are pretending to be a true believer and someone who obeys the Governing Body. Unless you can openly admit to your congregation that you are engaging in discussions on sites like this, it could be said that, you in a sense, are a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  • Divergent


    I go to all the meetings, go out in field service, and am in my 6th year of being an atheist.

    I have conducted Bible studies and considered baptismal questions with unbaptized publishers as an atheist.

    Wow. . . how do you even do that? I can't for sure!

  • OrphanCrow
    Toyc: OrphanCrow, I have an answer to your question. But if you are serious, pray about it and ask Jehovah for yourself.

    I did that. He told me to ask you.

    Again..."How do you know that?"

    How do you know what you say you know?

  • jwleaks


    There are many on this site that do not believe that Jehovah truly exists; that he is not a real being. But, he is as real as next breath you draw into your nostrils.

    Jehovah was a no show at the ARC. Maybe he was stuck in traffic or on the privy. I won't hold my 'next breath' that he'll be apologizing any time soon for what his elders clowns and his own circus organization was found guilty of practising.

  • nicolaou

    Proof of God's non existence?

    God and the Cheese Sandwich.

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