Dude, I wish that things were different for you. Wishful thinking, I know, won't get you nor I anywhere, but it sounds as though your emotional heart strings are being tugged enormously.
This is not uncommon, and not to in any way trivialize your emotions and what you are feeling right now. The words uttered by your sister, I'm sure are said with good intent, I wouldn't question that. I've heard this very same statement made with family members: 'I cannot bear to think of you not there with me in the New System'. It's manipulation; despite her love for her brother, twin or no twin, the emotions are the key to drawing those who can 'see the difference' back into an organization that is in itself: untruthful. I'm sorry to come across here so unfeeling, really....I care, it's just that I hate to see you go back into something that is conditional. Whereas you, love your family: unconditionally.
My hope would be that, if you could keep it together, be the one to get family to look at you as someone who CAN live outside of the organization, successfully. I have a very dear friend in Britain, and despite all the hell he went through, he eventually stuck to his guns, and did not return: his siblings followed suit eventually, and they too, are no longer JWs. I know, this is someone elses experience and each family and situation is different than the other.
SC Guy, I wish you the best, and hope that the posts preceeding mine, will give you some comfort and something to seriously think about. Mouthy (our beloved grannie) cares a great deal, and if you're a believer/non-believer, her words are genuine. Everyone has imparted some kindness, and we really and truly wish that you can hang in there, and perhaps be the one to have your sister join you in:
Respectfully yours,
(I sincerely apologize if I have in any way offended you)