Issue Facing Apostates

by Mishnah 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : The OT God and NT God are THE SAME GOD.

    So God suffers from multiple-personality disorder, huh? Isn't THAT swell? One minute he's wiping out the entire planet, then next minute he send his only-begotten son to preach love and peace, and then next minute he has that son killed. Why? "Because he LOVES you, that's why!" I wonder what he's going to do next. He's been on a 2,000 year vacation, you know. He must have a terrible sunburn by now.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Pfloooooooooot!!

    : Be careful here, you are treading the fine line of blasphemy against God, for which you can never be forgiven.

    According to that dusty old book, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is sinning against the holy spirit. Since I never had any of that, there is nothing to sin against. Blasphemy IS forgiveable. I've already just outlined what is NOT forgiveable. Read your Bible. Better yet, toss your Bible into the toilet. Flush three times. Take a deep breath. Ah, that should feel better!

    : I love you and do not want to see that happen to you.

    Well, that's reassuring. "God is gonna kill you if you don't listen to me, but I LOVE you and don't want that to happen." Tell your homocidal-maniac-imaginary God to quit killing people then. And tell him to make up his mind, too. We never know if he's in the "love" mode or the "slaughter" mode. It makes life very difficult with a God like that.

    Tactful Class

  • JanH


    You would be correct about their being wrong (obviously) but that does not make you right about the issue itself. Do you understand this?

    Me being right about one thing does not necessarily make me correct about everything else, of course. But that wasn't what you said. It may have been what you meant. It's a bit hard to see what exactly you mean. You seem fundamentally confused.

    Of course, like most cowardly religionists, you refuse to deal with the arguments involved. But am I surprised? Nah.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The DevilĀ“s Dictionary, 1911]

  • kes152


    That is not the real "issue." The REAL "issue" that all should be concerned about JW or not, is:

    "This is the basis for judgement, that the Light has come into the world, but men have loved the darkness rather than the Light, because THEIR WORKS WERE WICKED."

    John 3:19, 20

    The light has come into the world and has EXPOSED all men as IMPOSTERS and WICKED MEN. Men in their pride, wanting to be RIGHT, have HATED the light, because it PROVED THEM WRONG. Rather than actually "admit" to it and CHANGE, they stick to the darkness that DOESN'T expose you for who you really are.

    The "time" to change is now. For the Day is coming when "no man can change" and you will be judged for who you really are, AS YOU ARE on Judgement Day.

    for that IS the BASIS FOR JUDGEMENT. This, is the REAL issue.


  • ianao


    I can feel the LOVE!!!!!!!!!!

  • God_knows

    You correctly stated that the unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the holy Ghost.

    Need I remind you, though that the Holy Ghost IS GOD. God is a Triune being, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. So whether you blaspheme the Holy Ghost within us, or Jesus, or if you blaspheme the Father, it is still unforgiveable.

    Look at what you are saying here, and think about it. You are calling God evil, because He takes due vengeance out on those who reject Him, just as He will in the end times. You are rejecting the God of righteousness, because He judges evil and keeps to Himself only that which is good.

    Be careful.

  • ianao


    Need I remind you, that the sky is blue and the grass is green. Also remember that no cows ever really jump over the moon.

    Just letting you know. Please read the following, unless GOD has endowed you with some wisdom that allows you to ignore the following. (Not that I actually give a rat's ass anyway)...

    Matthew 12:31-32: On this account I say to YOU, Every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. 32 For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come.

    Sorry for butting in Farkel.

  • kes152


    ;-) Is it not 'love to my neighbor' by warning my neighbor that he/she is walking into a pit? Is it not loving to 'warn' my neighbor in HOPES of my neighbor listening so that my neighbor may be "perserved alive?"


    you say:

    You correctly stated that the unforgiveable sin is blasphemy against the holy Ghost.

    Then you contradict it by saying:

    So whether you blaspheme the Holy Ghost within us, or Jesus, or if you blaspheme the Father, it is still unforgiveable.

    Matthew 12:32 clearly says "blasphemy against JESUS is FORGIVEABLE."

    You believe in a trinity, that is your choice. But, you cannot contradict the Christ for the sake of your "belief."

    Indeed, "God Knows,"

  • ianao
    ;-) Is it not 'love to my neighbor' by warning my neighbor that he/she is walking into a pit? Is it not loving to 'warn' my neighbor in HOPES of my neighbor listening so that my neighbor may be "perserved alive?"

    Yeah it is. That's why I felt it coming.

    Hope you are having a wonderful day. Try not to light the skyfire.

  • God_knows

    You misread me.

    I was speaking of the Holy Ghost within Jesus. Blasphemy against the man can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy ghost within the man will NOT be.

    And remember, as I say again, it is because the Holy Ghost IS GOD, the third person within the Trinity.

  • Farkel

    : Need I remind you, though that the Holy Ghost IS GOD.

    Yeah, you do need to remind me. So God is a Ghost, eh? Makes perfect sense to me.

    : God is a Triune being, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    As I said, he has multiple personalities. I don't trust beings with multiple personalities. You shouldn't either.

    : So whether you blaspheme the Holy Ghost within us, or Jesus, or if you blaspheme the Father, it is still unforgiveable.

    Good. Human parents can forgive their children for just about anything, including murder, but the God of all Gods won't forgive his children when they call it like they observe it.

    : Look at what you are saying here, and think about it. You are calling God evil, because He takes due vengeance out on those who reject Him, just as He will in the end times.

    That is exactly what I'm saying.

    : You are rejecting the God of righteousness, because He judges evil and keeps to Himself only that which is good.

    Righteous Gods don't need to go around murdering imperfect people and condemming them for eternity: people that HE made. Unrighteous Gods do like to do that kind of stuff. What kind of God did you say you worship, again?


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