: The OT God and NT God are THE SAME GOD.
So God suffers from multiple-personality disorder, huh? Isn't THAT swell? One minute he's wiping out the entire planet, then next minute he send his only-begotten son to preach love and peace, and then next minute he has that son killed. Why? "Because he LOVES you, that's why!" I wonder what he's going to do next. He's been on a 2,000 year vacation, you know. He must have a terrible sunburn by now.
: Be careful here, you are treading the fine line of blasphemy against God, for which you can never be forgiven.
According to that dusty old book, the only sin that cannot be forgiven is sinning against the holy spirit. Since I never had any of that, there is nothing to sin against. Blasphemy IS forgiveable. I've already just outlined what is NOT forgiveable. Read your Bible. Better yet, toss your Bible into the toilet. Flush three times. Take a deep breath. Ah, that should feel better!
: I love you and do not want to see that happen to you.
Well, that's reassuring. "God is gonna kill you if you don't listen to me, but I LOVE you and don't want that to happen." Tell your homocidal-maniac-imaginary God to quit killing people then. And tell him to make up his mind, too. We never know if he's in the "love" mode or the "slaughter" mode. It makes life very difficult with a God like that.
Tactful Class