Aren't Dub boards better left alone?

by PopeOfEruke 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebodylovesme


    When I still had lurking privileges at WW, they posted a letter from PLN to WW. Apparently the mods at PLN were pissed that WW was bashing on them. From what I gathered, WW didn't like PLN because everyone at PLN just wanted to talk about dating and were only interested in finding mates. It was also a bit too restrictive, I think. (I can't even imagine.)

    So PLN basically wrote to the WW mods and said, "Tell your kids to be nice to our kids or else we're telling!! And we won't talk to you anymore 'cause you guys are big poop heads." Or something to that effect. (It was very lengthy and included a lot of scripture quotes... gag). Their feelings were hurt and therefore they weren't going to let WW members onto PLN anymore. A couple WW members (and mods) were banned from PLN because they were big meanies and hurt PLN's feelings.

    So then people at WW got upset and started throwing sand... wait, no, that was recess at the elementary school. No, WW people said, "We were never mean! Stupid PLN people!" and pouted. They were then reminded to be nice because we are all brothers and sisters.

    That was all I heard about it. Sounded to me like a bunch of 6-year-olds, so I didn't read some of the posts on it.

    Hope that helps!

  • FlyingHighNow
    So then people at WW got upset and started throwing sand... wait, no, that was recess at the elementary school. No, WW people said, "We were never mean! Stupid PLN people!" and pouted. They were then reminded to be nice because we are all brothers and sisters.


    Thank you. Sounds to me like they are practicing to be good exJWs and they probably don't even know it. Afterall, there are such skirmishes even with this board and other ExJW boards. Shutting down a board abrubtly like that does seem like a pretty extreme way to handle battles, though. JWs do get good practice at being weasels and rats. Like was said on another thread, maybe someone ratted someone out or threatened to anyway.


  • Satanus


    Boy, we don't have stupid kiddie fights like that here. We have real growed up fights, w chairs and bottles flying through windows. Well ,, we did until simon brought in moddie swat teams and napalmed the gunslingers


  • FlyingHighNow

    Boy, we don't have stupid kiddie fights like that here. We have real growed up fights, w chairs and bottles flying through windows. Well ,, we did until simon brought in moddie swat teams and napalmed the gunslingers


    I guess I'm too new and I missed the good old days, ey? Thank you for telling me how the West was won.


  • drwtsn32


    I agree... I think it's better to leave them alone. I admit it was a bit immature what I did. Sure, it was kinda fun, but I am a little embarrassed about the whole thing. I promise I will never do it again... Witness World. Deep Space Zone is next.

    Just kidding.

  • Sassy

    I do agree that leaving the JW boards is wisest. Yes you can have your fun, but really they are people just trying to associate with each other. It's like crashing a party you aren't invited to. I know many of the people on those boards and they are good people. They do not see outside the JW box but infiltrating them only serves the purpose of showing them they should be in fear of those who no longer believe...

  • PopeOfEruke

    Doc Watson,

    Hey, I maybe a Pope but I sure didn't mean to reprimand you guys!! Have to admit, it was the funniest goddamn thing I have read in ages, actually!!!

    But it just got me wondering, and I thought the more witnesses on the web the better . Then let them use Google or whatever to find out the "troof about The Troof". But who knows, maybe a good shakeup now and then, and they can now see how quickly Headquarters in Berlin, I mean, New York, react to stifle any little freedom they poor b**stards have....


  • Euphemism

    Screenshots, Doc, I want screenshots!

  • freedom96

    I think if a witness based board shuts down it has more going on than just a couple of people getting inside their network of "friends." You got to remember too, that so many of the witnesses are so controlled by the elders, and organization as a whole, sometimes they don't feel adequate to fight themselves, so they give up easily.

    Likely, somone complained, and it got to the elders of the congregation that it originated from, and the heat came down.

  • cypher50

    Is this the same board that just found out about the UN situation (and how it isn't just about a simple "library pass")? Well, shutting down the whole forum seems drastic just over a couple of infiltrators...

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