Aren't Dub boards better left alone?

by PopeOfEruke 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    Is this the same board that just found out about the UN situation (and how it isn't just about a simple "library pass")? Well, shutting down the whole forum seems drastic just over a couple of infiltrators

    Yes..that is quite a coincidence. Once a dub gets passed the library ticket nonesense and realises how the WT has back-peddled on the UN issue, he's going to feel a touch betrayed. If the mods were PM'ing one another about the contents of the UN based posts, it may well be that some dissension arose leading to the boards closure.


  • unbeliever

    I agree that WW was in trouble anyway. One adminstrator "songwriter" had resigned because of the "negative attidude" WW had displayed toward PLN. His new wife BeckyT resigned as a moderator. Chelsea was banned from PLN because she allowed/took part in the "bashing" of PLN. The contents below that was posted on the board by an admin can explain a lot.

    We here at Witness World pride ourselves on being open minded, open hearted, and always having an open ear in accord with Jehovah's standards. We have at times been "liberal" in allowing comments or feelings to be voiced in a spirit of trust and honesty. I think our members appreciate that.

    Just as within our congregation there are homes which we feel more comfortable in, homes in which we can put up our feet and relax. So too, the various Discussion Boards spread across the internet offer us each a unique place to rest. Some offer a themed discussion, others offer open chats, and still others offer its members a place where they can "put up their feet and relax". Neither one is better, or more spiritual........ just different. Each one meets the particular needs of it's member body.

    However it has come to the attention of the Administration that this feeling is not welcomed by certain members. I apologize on behalf of the Moderators and Administration for any comments here on WW which may have illuded to a sense of hostility or anger towards any other Discussion Board. Some of our members and staff have found the need to remove their membership/duties in light of these feelings, and for this, the Administration is regretful. It has never and will never be the policy of Witness World to foster a sense of superiority over it's members/staff or other discussion boards, nor will we condone such.

    Following is the letter we received from the Administrators of PLN. We recognize that this is addressed to WW Administration, however after a prayful discussion we felt it necessary to share it with our members. Administration wants to keep an "open door" policy with you and provide you with a place of trust and open communication.

    Thank you for your continued support.
    The Staff of Witness World.
    Subj: Matthew 5:23
    Date: 1/5/2004 5:57:19 AM Pacific Standard Time
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]

    To the Administrators of Witness World, our Brothers and Sisters:

    The Administrators of PLN send our warm Christian greetings and love. In the spirit of Matthew 5:23 we wish to approach you with the following serious concerns:

    Since the inception of WW there has been a continuing pattern of derogatory and sometimes harsh comments publicly made regarding PLN, many of which have been read by some of our own Administrators. We have also received a number of complaints and reports from members who are also disturbed by the negativity and "PLN bashing" taking place on your board.

    Initially, we chose to give you the benefit of the doubt regarding your intentions and to "cover over" this out of love. We also felt it important to allow time for your administration to become more familiar with the weighty responsibility that comes from running a DB, including the responsibility for the atmosphere that takes place there.

    It is regrettable, however, that the pattern of negative comments has not only been permitted to continue, but has actually been fostered by some WW Administrators themselves.

    This is of serious concern for us personally, especially considering the fact that when your administration speaks negatively or harshly of PLN (or allow others to do so on your board), you are also speaking badly of each of us individually as Mods and Admin - - your fellow brothers and sisters. We find this hurtful, especially considering that we have always attempted to work with you in a spirit of love and respect, even during times of disagreement.

    Upon serious consideration and discussion amongst the Administrators of PLN, we have concluded that we can no longer remain silent as some members of your administration continue to speak of us as they do. To do so would be to condone what is taking place, something we are unable to do.

    Proverbs 17:9 says: "The one covering over transgression is seeking love, and he that keeps talking about a matter is separating those familiar with one another".

    In an effort to protect ourselves and our members from this negative association we regret to inform we no longer welcome those of you who have supported this attitude toward PLN and our administration.

    It is our hope and prayer that this letter and our serious concerns be received in the manner they are sent - - with Christian love and a desire to do "all things to God's glory".

    The Administrators of Pure Language Network

    Joel Josol (ManofTrueGod)
    Vince (SUV Dude)
    Chari (Chari)
    Vicki (Desert Rose)
    Luisa (FROSTFIRE)
    Heather (MagnoliaWhisper)
    Ana (Ana)
    Cheryl (Smee)
    Liezl (Myzel)
    Vicki (Daisimae)
  • Sentinel

    Well, it's my opinion that they are better "left alone". They do have a right to expect honest posters and to deny any X-JW's access. It is "their board" after all. However, it is noted that open discussions among people always bring forth even more questions, even among active JW's. It is only natural. The un-natural thing is JW's aren't supposed to question anything. They are simply supposed to accept everything written in the WT literature. This is narrowmindedness to the tenth degree. I believe this is essentially why the site closed down. They realized what was happening on their own site, and it had little to do with "outsiders".

    Although this forum here is basically for inactive JW's, or those seriously questioning, the only thing we don't like is someone represented themselves falsely just to get here and possibly identify members to be brought to task at committee meetings. This is rather creepy, like someone looking in your bathroom window, or following you everywhere you go. It is a sick pre-occupation.

    However, in the world of the internet, we are all at risk for misrepresentation. We have to be a tad sceptical until we get to know fellow posters.


  • FlyingHighNow
    The contents below that was posted on the board by an admin can explain a lot.

    Looks like you hit the nail on the head, Somebody. Toddlers throwing sand in a sandbox. None of us like to be gossiped about. My ex, who is a JW, trashes me to anyone who will listen, witness or worldly. I look at it this way: if people want to believe the worst, then they were never my friend in the first place. If asked about his talk, I ask them if they've considered that there are always two sides to every story. If they haven't, then I tell them their opinion has no weight with me. I then tell them that my ex and I both are quite human and we both made mistakes and that I hold no malice towards him. I wish him only health & happiness.

    Rare is the person who is loved by everyone. Even Jesus was hated by the majority. This even after he restored eyesight to the blind and raised people from the dead. Who of us have done such things (that aren't doctors)?

    I find the administrator's letter to WW silly and certainly unnecessary. Almost all of us have our critics. It's a fact of life. We will be happier if we learn to accept this and not put too much thought into it.


  • mustang

    Don't forget the 107? people who got unceremoniously dumped. Some of them might have came back with some real whistleblowing gripes!!!!


  • sf
    It's possible at least one of them will wonder if the paranoia over apostates is bordering on ridiculous. It's very possible that such an abrupt closing down of WW will seem rash and extreme to some of them. It's likely to plant a seed of doubt and then curiosity in their heads.

    JWs, who are active on taboo internet discussion boards, show some willingness to go against the org in actuality. If they go against the society to lurk on boards like JWD then it's my theory that they have one foot out of the org. anyway.

    Ah yes, when the feb 15 wt is studied soon, what will the world of the internet jws become then?

    Hey Dan, how is Jesse?

    sKally, evil apostate klass

  • shamus

    It's free territory here on the internet. People do not share the same views as you do, although your only trying to ask a simple question. (The debate could go on for years)

    Hey, I totally hear you. I did go to a witness board one time, and make :fun" of them one time, LOL! It was funny, but the feeling afterwards was not too funny. Since then I have left them alone, and won't be bothering them.

    In my opinoin, they need to be woken up to truth. I certainly judge nobody who went there and planted those seeds of discontent. No lies were told, and the person)s) who did it are honorable and did it for the right reasons.

    In other words, I won't stand on the sidelines and judge every case that comes by. It's just too difficult to do on the world wide web. If some people get hurt, then they need to understand that it's for they're own good. We're not screaming at them, we're telling them the truth.

    To those who did tell them those truths, a big thumbs up to you. YOU DID NOT CLOSE DOWN THEY'RE BOARD. THEY DID. THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR TRUTH AND HAVE THEY'RE FAITH WRECKED! It's sad but true. They're happily ignorant. And they will always be that way until THEY choose to seek truth. Don't feel bad for they're teary-eyed goodbye's. It's silly and stupid that an organization will not let them speak on a public forum about they're beliefs. The only thing that they had to do was kick you out.

  • stillajwexelder

    Keep your friends and family close -- keep the enemy closer!

  • stillajwexelder

    No before anybody tells me a I am being naive -- I knowl. But if The Truth is The Truth and a persons faith is strong, why should it matter what board he/she goes on? Is their faith that weak that it can not stand up to scrutiny and question .I am sure the scriptures say -" Keep testing that you are in the faith" or something like that

  • Valis
    however after a prayful discussion we felt it necessary to share it with our members.

    *LOL* Illiterate bible thumping dubbies...praying over a discussion board...*LOL* Id it the same then when one of us goes to a DC or a meeting or the memorial and reports what they have seen? Do they deserve to be left alone there and not on the Internet? All the times I have been to JW websites they seem to have the most boring, pablum driven discussions on the planet...If anything that should keep most people away from their dbs...


    District Overbeer

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