Why does anything exist at all?

by logansrun 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enishi

    I look at it in terms of infinite probability/chaos. If you cast aside all the ways in which our mind and senses construct reality, even concepts such as something and nothing, you come to a state of emptiness where the potentiality is endless and cannot be comprehended through rational thinking. An interesting fact to consider is that if I were to hold up two hands, and say the space between them was 2 feet, I would be wrong. It I were to say it was "roughly" two feet, if would be correct, but only from the standpoint of a mind that cannot comprehend The All, and must therefore define a finite part of it through mathematics. The space between my hands is actually something like 2.1010194322924857496745967549574957945675957459574948...well, you get the idea. The reason we, and the universe, exist at all, is because a specific part of that infinite chaos crystallizes due to conscious will, becoming aware of only one part of the Infinite. This consciousness seeks to expand itself, ever learning and growing. This is why we feel that there must be a sense of purpose to our lives, that there is love inherent in our existance. One might wonder where consciousness comes from, but since consciousness would be factored into infinite probability, it would eventually arise in some manner. Besides, consciousness is very hard to pin down, as at this point we can only understand it through our limited senses.

    I know that this doesn't totally answer the question, since you could very well ask why infinite probability/chaos exists. Well, concepts such as something and nothing are both definitions and limitations in and of themselves, and thus can never grasp the Infinite.


    A pleasant thought, and I do believe that Will and Wisdom are part of our existance, but ask yourself this question, why does Jehovah exist in the first place?

  • dead

    :God or no god, why is there something rather than nothing?

    You don't know there is something rather than nothing, and more importantly you assume they are mutually exclusive. In a set called "everything", can "nothing" exist? Of course it can. "Everything includes everything, and "nothing" is a part of everything.

    :Why do elements have properties?

    So you can spout your nonsense, that's why. God thought about YOU when he made stuff, and just to make you think this way, he gave elements "properties."

    By the way, what are "properties" in elements?

    : Why does consciousness exist?

    So this board can survive? This is the ONLY reason for this that I know.

    :These are questions that I think about almost every day.

    I masturbate. It involves much less stress than your cosmic nonsense and actually does some good.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Just an afterthought for anyone who thinks we don't really exist, tell us what you think after having your first kidney stone.


  • gumby


    First of all......is that you in your moniker?

    we are all just one big science experiment, the gods are laughing hysterically.

    I used to sometimes wonder about the experiment idea.....but not the laughing part of the gods.

    What is confusing are the two sides of life we see. We see in the animal world.....a mother protecting and raising it's young just like a loving mother would do...............then we go to the wild animal kingdom and see a pack of wolves chasing down a deer and eating it alive. These two differences I do not understand.


  • logansrun


    I guess one would have to experience what you have experienced to really understand what you are saying. That's the problem with mystics -- communication. (I don't mean that in a bad way, btw)


  • logansrun

    Flying High Now,

    Even if there was nothing, nothing but dark empty space reaching out into infinity, there would still be something: dark, empty space. So you see, there is something even when there is nothing

    Actually, "dark, empty space" needs a conscious observer to call it "dark, empty space." We cannot even really comprehend what "total nothingness" would be (or if even could be).


  • logansrun


    I do believe that the reality that my five senses tell me is there, really is there. Now exactly what that reality is made of, or where it came from, hell who knows.

    Yes and no. Take a solid object, for instance. Is it really "solid"? No. In fact, even in a ten-ton cube of pure steel there is more empty space than matter. If one of the individual atoms were increased in size to that of a football field the nucleus would be the size of a grain of rice. Each individual electron would be the size of grains of rice orbiting at the speed of light around the perimeter of the stadium. There's a hell of a lot of empty space there, but we only perceive the "solidity" of it. (The fact that the electrons are going so fast is part of the reason for this) What we experience is the illusion of solidity. So our senses give us an interpretation of the real world, not the world "as it is." Other examples could be given.


  • logansrun

    Awakened and Free,

    Thank you! I once believed in the same myth you do.


  • logansrun


    The reason we, and the universe, exist at all, is because a specific part of that infinite chaos crystallizes due to conscious will, becoming aware of only one part of the Infinite. This consciousness seeks to expand itself, ever learning and growing. This is why we feel that there must be a sense of purpose to our lives, that there is love inherent in our existance.

    I gather where you are coming from and I honestly would love to believe something like the above. All the same, let's be honest -- no one really is sure of that answer. It's speculation, pure and simple.


  • JamesThomas

    Yes, Bradley....how to communicate what can not be communicated? Generally best not to try. Rather just point back to you so that you can come upon the same dilemma; for this is not exclusive to me or anyone. The Essence of our Being, the Truth of What we are, is 100% all of ours, and is available here and now. You have questions and a hunger to want to know, then take that energy and investigate into yourself. That's all I'm saying. There is no religion or belief system to peddle here. The only book that needs reading -- is ourselves. Take the time to be present with the silent sense of aliveness within you, with whatever shows itself as the most intimate sense within that aliveness: be it sadness, depression, fear, warmth, joy, gladness...whatever. Go deeper into it than ever before....and deeper still. Without judgment or mental commentary. Let it teach you. Let the Life within you reveal what it will. j


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