Why does anything exist at all?

by logansrun 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • greatteacher

    My thought is me: that's why I can't stop. I exist because I think? and I can't stop myself from thinking. At this very moment - it's frightful - if I exist, it is because I am horrified at existing. I am the one who pulls myself from the nothingness to which I aspire- Sartre

    Abbaddon- I agree with you on this:

    Have more sex, smoke more pot. The answers to those questions will have near to zero impact on your life, IF there are 'answers' (a human concept) about something (existence) which is in no way obliged to conform to human conceptions.

    Regardless, humans will ask the questions.

  • particlesnwaves5

    the short answer: Because it can!

    I have been wondering the same sort of things for several years now. Remember when we had the "truth" and didn't have to ponder such things?! Life and philosophy was so much simpler then.

    I think now it is cool not to have all the answers. To have things to ponder on. I think your original question is a great one to think about and discuss. It is one of the freedoms of not being stuck in fundalmentalist cultic thinking.

    This is a interesting thought: "Sometimes I like to think that we all ARE God. Maybe God got bored one day and turned himself into the universe. He is playing hide and seek with himself. They say if you reach enlightenment through meditation you realize that we are all everyone and everything."--Segg --one of my friends says LSD will get you to that enlightenment alot quicker but I don't recommend it. You remember the hologram theory a few years back? That the whole universe is holographic...that a small fragment contains the whole universe? I feel there could be some truth to that. I was reading a interesting thought in a book about astral travel. The author gave the usual explanations and then said that it could be that a person is having the sensation of astral projection by going deep into his subconscious--that our minds contain the wholeness of the universe.

    There is the principle of nonlocality that says two particles in space may actually be different views of the same thing or that there is communication between the two or that cause them to react or coordinate their movements...I hope I got that straight, I just like to read...no physics major here...and that particles change into waves when being observed or vice versa...how do they know? Some sort of consciousness in everything. Sometimes I think Asian philosophy is light years ahead of western because of the teaching that everything is related and we are all a part of the whole...Western science seems to be backing this thought but I don't think the answer is to be found in one aspect of knowledge. I think you could find bits and pieces in Science: Cosmology, biology, physics, Philosophy, Sociology, Mythology*, Psychology, Anthropology...

    *Mythology--the hero's journey: To the abyss and back with the elixor of truth and compassion. The heroine's journey: to find the strength with in one's self to be whole.

    Our thoughts are powerful things. I think we see what we need to see and believe what we need to believe.

    My own belief now is that we are in our current form for learning and for experience. We increase in understanding. I think there could be different levels of existence.

  • Kenneson

    Great Teacher,

    Descartes would agree with you. I, on the other hand believe: I love, therefore, I am.


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