Why does anything exist at all?

by logansrun 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Just one example that makes probability theory look foolish.

    Things like life and the way it functions in pure harmony......doesn't just happen. Nothing of this sort has even begun to have started as a result of evolutionary paths since mans recording his life. Someone designed things.

    Gumby * who is ALWAYS 100% correct at ALL times*

  • Surreptitious

    Funny. You see an eye. I see a skull.

  • logansrun


    Brad, you're bright enough to know that there is no answer which will satisfy the mind as to WHY?

    I agree. There are questions which will remain to be settled ad infinitum. But, that will always leave possibilities, won't it? That's encouraging if you think about it.

    There is no answer that will satisfy the mind because the mind perceives from a point of illusion or falsehood. The whole thing is bogus.

    I wouldn't go so far as to say the whole thing is bogus and slip into solipsistic thinking. Immanuel Kant made a distinction between the phenomenal world (the world as we perceive it) and the noumenal world (the world as it "is"). We can never truly know the noumenal world, but that doesn't mean our sensate experiences and reason are totally wrong. They're just not the whole picture. Not even close.

    The consciousness which identifies itself as the mind -- is not the mind. So, the mind is interpreting all that it perceives through the lens of false identity. We are looking through a glass darkly. Thus, no question can ever be answered truly, as that which is asking the question is a lie to begin with.

    Again, I think you go too far in discrediting what experience we have. I look at our small understanding of the universe as perceived by our senses and reason -- the phaneron -- as being accurate although this understanding is subjective and will inevitably be subsumed by the understanding that we don't really know things as they are. Newtonian physics is correct on a certain level, but is subsumed and disproven on a higher level -- Einsteinian physics.

    The question that MUST be answered first -- before we can truly ask or know anything else, is: Who am I? Really? Once we truly know Who/What we are, then we can ask other questions, because we will be asking from a foundation of Truth; and perception will be True. But then.......there may not be any more questions

    And...we will never be sure of who we are. At least not in any logical sense. Bradley

  • logansrun


    Things like life and the way it functions in pure harmony......doesn't just happen.

    You might be right. I'm starting to be inclined in some sort of telos to the universe.

    Nothing of this sort has even begun to have started as a result of evolutionary paths since mans recording his life. Someone designed things.

    I gather you are refferring to the eye. Actually, biologists have developed some pretty good theories as to how the eye evolved.


  • JamesThomas
    Again, I think you go too far in discrediting what experience we have.

    I had experiences in a dream last night, but when I awoke I realized they were not real. Yes, they were experiences, but so what? What I am referring to is as radical a difference, if not more so, than this.

    And...we will never be sure of who we are. At least not in any logical sense.

    Dear Bradley, There is realization infinitely more intimate, satisfying and vibrantly alive than any "logical sense" could ever hope of being. The mind would like you to think it holds the key and embraces the breadth of all understanding. It ain't so. Not even. The mind is but a tiny part; and to put too much attention and emphasis on just a fragment is to become blind and numb to the Whole. This is why there is suffering. j

  • FlyingHighNow

    Here's something I've thought about Brad:

    Even if there was nothing, nothing but dark empty space reaching out into infinity, there would still be something: dark, empty space. So you see, there is something even when there is nothing. I also agree with Gumby.


  • Gretchen956

    we are all just one big science experiment, the gods are laughing hysterically.


  • FlyingHighNow

    we are all just one big science experiment, the gods are laughing hysterically.


    My daughter believes something similar.

  • DanTheMan

    I do believe that the reality that my five senses tell me is there, really is there. Now exactly what that reality is made of, or where it came from, hell who knows.

    Life is too strange to be fiction. Nobody could make this shit up.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((Dear Logansrun,)))

    You asked:" Why does anything exist at all?"

    REVELATION 4:11:" YOU are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created."NWT

    Christian Love,



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