Is this Completely Apostate

by redline 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    You said "My question is if this forum is for former witness, or those that just disagree with the religion as a whole. Then why use the description "Online Meeting area for brothers & sisters" other then to bait witness to this place? "

    We are all brothers and sisters as we are all decendents of Adam and Eve. Therefor it is not decieving to have a chat room set up for *brothers and sisters*.

    Do yourself a favor and do as the Bible instructs."Make sure of all thing*. The best way for one of Jehovahs Witnesses to do so. Would be to read all the older publications of the Watchtower society.
    You will be amazed at what you learn about your religion.

  • outcast


    For "real" witness folk visit
    Just dont talk to much, you wouldn't want to be viewed as an apostate.

    I'm sure there are good people over there too.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    I hope you are still here and will take a minute to read this.

    I was a Witness all my life, several decades, and was active, snug and smug "in the truth" like so many still are. BUT I do not consider myself an "apostate", "rotten" or "worthless". That's quite a presumptuous evaluation you have labelled us with.

    When I started to find out the "real truth" about what the organization doesn't want you to know and so tells you not to go to sites like these, then I was crushed and felt betrayed because I had for so long given my life to following their direction in what I thought was serving God.

    I've said before that it felt like a sharp blow to my gut and couldn't catch my breath, because I just was so shocked to find out, NOT LIES, but actual, proven, black and white FACTS about the organization that they want hidden.

    I've been here only a few months and my head is still reeling from things I never would have thought possible in the pristine pure picture the organization has painted of themselves.

    Perhaps if you stick around a little longer and read some of the personal experiences of what we have gone through in the hands of the organization, read some of Amazing's posts called "JUSTICE #1" through "JUSTICE #6", about his experiences as an elder and what so many helpless ones suffered from, let's just say, "over-zealous" elders.

    Please don't be so quick to label us just because that's what you've heard from the platform about us. Many here still do believe in God and Jesus while others have completely lost faith in God due to their experiences.

    It's not anyones's place to judge anyone else. Take the time to see for yourself how much love and help is here.

    There will be the obvious yokel here whose only happiness comes from needling others but they have their own problems to deal with and will get help when they want or need it.

    I hope you can look at us through mature eyes of wisdom and not blinders like so many Witnesses wear. And be strong, because you are going to be finding out things about the organization very soon from other sources that will be telling the whole world some of the ugly "truth" that has been hidden for so long.

    Had Enough

  • Francois

    Redline, don't take our word for it. Keep an eye peeled on NBC Dateline this summer and try to catch the program now in the works dealing with JWs protection and concealment of pedophiles.

    And perhaps you should check out the following site while you're cruising the net:

    Since you're into truth, this site should really ring your chimes.

    Flip, speak for yourself. Use of metaphor is indeed helpful. And the similarity between the Nazi regime and the organization of JWs is virtually congruent. And as noted elsewhere, apostates are to JWs what Jews were to Nazis.


  • Flip

    Ex, glad you caught the irony! With your sense of humour I knew you would. Zealots of the Watchtower corporation such as redline for example,wouldn't.


    PS Françoise, my post actually agreed with expatbrit and ultimately with yourself. I differ in degree only and classified the dictatorial regime as the lightweight in comparison.

    Next time I post, I’ll not neglect to conclude with a smiley face, in the interest of clarity.


  • Osarsif
    My question is if this forum is for former witness, or those that just disagree with the religion as a whole. Then why use the description "Online Meeting area for brothers & sisters" other then to bait witness to this place?

    It seems to me that this forum is not just for former witnesses or those that disagree with the religion; there are here some JW apologists and the forum is opened to them.

    I agree with you (redline) when you say that the sayings at the top of the board may mislead some visitors into thinking that this is one of those JW-only forums. In my opinion those sayings should be changed to make it clear that this forum is open also for those that are not JW's neither "brothers and sisters".

    By the way, I found it amusing to see the URL of this thread. Yikes!

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    I, too, as most of the posters here, was strong in my/our resolution. That's why we are here....because we now realize that strong resolution was totally misplaced. And the affect of finding that out after spending all our lives (compare my 4+ decades as a Witness to your 4) in the org. has been such a powerful blow to us, we come here to heal. Finding out the facts really broke my heart and I still have many tears for myself and many here who have suffered so much.

    Our purpose is NOT to trick Witnesses into coming here and "drag them away from their religion". Like has been said, we have a great affection for each other here (for most of us) and feel a brotherhood here that helps those feeling downtrodden and needing encouragement, a shoulder to cry on or wise, mature suggestions to get over the hurt we've experienced.

    Stick around and you will learn things you cannot deny. If what we said were lies, surely you could pick them out couldn't you?

    Had Enough

  • COMF
    apostates talk so much, but only the rotten listen.

    You have the Watchtower party line well ingrained in you, I see. The bible, of course, espouses a quite different attitude; but the governing body has never balked at shoving the bible aside when it clashes with their teachings: "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears it, that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation."
    Ecclesiastes 18:13

    You seem to think that just listening to apostates is enough to cause shipwreck in your faith. However, any true man of God is easily able to expose and reject apostate lies without being taken in, even as Paul shows us in Hebrews 5:13. Note:

    "But solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong."

    And how, exactly, have your perceptive powers been trained, redline? Not through use, obviously, if all you do is tuck tail and run when you encounter something counter to what you've been told to believe. In order to use your perceptive powers, you have to actually be in situations where they're exercised.

    Of course, the truth is that the society doesn't want you to use them. They want you to accept whatever they say and steer a wide path around anyone who says anything differently. Why, redline? Why?

    Ask yourself that question sometime.


  • redline

    Witness religion started out with some awkward beliefs, but over time refined them as more information became available, so you will find discrepancies within the literature. This does not however mean that the society is hypocritical, only that the society admits when its wrong, and updates the information as a growing process.

    So NBC is doing an expose on pedophiles within the JW organization, and how the society covers it up. I dont know about that, sure there are probably examples of molestation with the flock, but that doesnt mean the mass is bad, just the individual. Everyone is responsible for themselves, so who has the Truth molests a child, they will be accountable only, for thier actions. You can not use this as a whole representation of the Organization, unless you are so complety trying to justify your point, that reason no longer become valid.

    I have no doubts that most of you are great people, so I am sorry if I lashed out a some in the beginning. My idea that your lives were worthless was improperly protrayed. Not in the idea that life is worthless, just how you use it. That point stll sticks, sorry if it stings. More then likely you will misconstrue the idea into some post Germanic mass genecide ideals lingering within the generations today, and how these people flock to the Jehovah's Witness Organization because of the similarities. I choose not to respond to this earlier because of how inept the point was.

  • CornerStone

    Hello Redline,

    Considering the large content of those not or partially associated to the WTS on this board I can see your point about the name of this board being missleading. I am a JW in name only. I attend about four meetings a month and have stopped going out in field service and answering at the meetings. My reasons can be summed up in the revelation that I do not see the love Jesus said would be present among Christians among most of the JW's I have known. Uncaring elders that breed uncaring sheep who care more for field service hours and being seen as "spiritual" than caring for the poor, the lame, the disatvantaged, and so on.

    Redline, I can put up with a lot of "stuff". I can forgive people for wronging me, I can forgive the society for not telling me the truth about themselves, I can even forgive the false dates the society has told people for decades, BUT when I do not see the love Jesus said would belong to his people then I KNOW not to trust them any further.

    How many times does someone have to be "beaten" in a religious sense to finally figure out that mabey this organization is NOT sent by God?
    As much good and kindly acts that I have done over the last decade for my brothers and sisters it NEVER seems to mean anything to most of them, only "What can you do for me now."

    I'm saying this to try to help you understand that people have suffered at the hands of those that the GB of the WTS endorse, mainly the elder body. I personally would not want you to act outside your conscience. That would be a sin to God. Please understand that there are those on this board that are dealing with conscience issues also. They have not had the loving shepparding by elders that the society promisses they would have and so they turn to other sources of encouragement, like this board, where they can talk freely without the FEAR of punishment. You can't really talk to some one you have no confidence in, can you?

    Well, I just wanted to give you an insight into what one person was thinking and why he post on this board. Take care.


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