Just courius, some questions about the past

by Gorb 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    Speaking of ‘superior authorities’, I remember the religion saying ‘We are supposed to be in subjection to the superior authorities’.

    I assume they included themselves in this. But, I get the impression they do not think they are in subjection or accountable to anybody.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    If I could smash that 'like' button 10,000 times LongHairGal, I would.

  • BoogerMan

    When WTBTS speaks of "new light," what they really mean is that a long-held belief ('truth') must now be abandoned by JW's and replaced with the new, totally opposite 'truth.'

    Any reasonable thinker must see that either the former was a lie, or the latter now is! (perhaps even both)

  • wannaexit

    This is one of my most vivid memories: I was a late teen and was working in service with the CO's wife. I was a really goody goody and I was telling her how I would like to work at bethel. She told told me that bethel has issues too and how there was a lot of apostasy and that bro Franz's nephew (who later found out was Ray) had become an apostate and how he was trying to take over the organization.

    I remember being struck with that as an impressionable teen. Years later when I truly understood what happened with Ray Franz that conversation came to mind.

    I had the opportunity to talk to Ray on a few occasions and I was always bothered how this wonderful human being could be so maligned.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg will always deflect litigation, legal and accountability out of their way. Like weasles.

  • wozza

    @ Fisherman

    Oh I remember the poorly written songs and how dreary some were. Is'nt it funny how they replaced their songs and song books over the years .

    Alot like their teachings ,they became out of date ,and yet hymns of the churches can be beautiful and enduring in time. I think this just tells us how the WTS is just an imitator and failure.

    Remember the half hearted droning of the congregations ,though sometimes one would hear a spirited singing voice ,undoubtly coming from someone seeking privileges or an over zealous pedophile hiding behind a kingdom song.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    At least the 1984 brown song books had wayyyy better songs than those creepy, eerie songs of their current versions.

  • joe134cd

    I guess I should be greatful that I was total unaware of what the overlapping generation implied. It wasn’t until I got on apostate web sites the the reality settled in. I guess that reflected how asleep I was.

  • Balaamsass2

    The 1975 hoopla that began in the 60s...who could forget it! I knew more than a few Elders who sold homes and retired early to "pioneer" because Armageddon was coming any day. Those Elders squandered their equity and savings in their 50s and worked into their 70s, only to die years later in poverty.

    I was in Bethel in the late 70s. Ray Franz and Cynthia were kind, hospitable, and sincere people who got a raw deal and were lied about by many "loving" JWs.

  • Balaamsass2

    As soon as 1976 Watchtower was into damage control mode. Talks and articles denied they made a false prophecy. The fact that the publications were still around with the false prophesy in print made matters worse...false prophecy and outright lies compounded the issue. Many left in the late 70s. The early Truth book, magazines, KMs and Red "Life Everlasting" book memorialized their blunders.

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