Haven't you got anything better to do?

by tedcobb 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker

    tedcobb, let me rephrase your statements and see if I can illustrate how a lot of this is one's point-of-view:

    Obviously a lot of you are no longer Catholics but are now JWs, for whatever reason, but surely you can find something better to do with your time. You seem to spend a lot of your spare time slating the Vatican or picking holes in your former beliefs.
    If you've left and think what Catholics believe is a load of rubbish, thtat fine, you cn do what you want, but why you have to go on about it? If being a Catholic means so little to you, why not just leave it behind and get on with your life instead of preaching to me and leaving Watchtower articles that condemn the Catholic church? Instead you waste you time trying to undermine the Catholic organisation as an apostate, as if you need to prove to yourself that falling away from the truth was the right thing to do. What you say isn't going to affect anyone with any sort of relationship or faith with God.

    It is a great shame to see brothers and sisters how have given so much in service to the church, not only give up, but trying to undo all their fine work. I enjoy being a part of the Catholic organisation - the wholesome association, having meaning in my life etc. Even if people have had bad experiences in the past, God sorts it all out, even if it seems He is doing nothing, as I have seen for myself.

    Either way, even if you think what I am saying is a load of rubbish, we will find out who is right in the end, won't we. So until then, if you don't want to be part of Catholicism so much, why not get yourselfs a life and do something useful with the time you have left

    Get the point? Every time a former-Catholic, now turned JW, goes door-to-door talking to his former parishoners, condemning the church he used to believe in fervently, the current Catholics can justifiably say, "Why can't you just move on with your life? You don't want to be Catholic any more? Fine, but why do you have to now talk bad against the Catholic organization? Why do you have to push these articles that condemn my religion?"

    It's all a matter of perspective....

  • patio34


    Bravo! Kudos! Brilliant!

    Hoist with his own petard!


  • Fredhall


    Instead messing with Tedcobb, you need to get on with your own life.

  • logical

    Let Edward get it out his system.

    Let Fred play with his new friend

  • jschwehm

    Hi Ted-

    For evidence that the JWs are a destructive group I would just visit the following websites:



    This is only the tip of the iceberg. I am sure that if you stay on this board for any length of time you will discover others whose lives have been hurt by the guys in Brooklyn.

    Jeff S.

  • TR


    obviously you haven't done any research into the WTS. That's why most of us are here. We've looked into the teachings and history of the WTS, and concluded that God cannot possibly be guiding that org. Please do some checking, after the anger of being duped by the WTS subsides, you can get on with a normal life devoid of the mind control the WTS imposes on you.


    "Kults Suk"

  • WildHorses

    For your information, Freddynoclue. I have a wonderful life.
    I can even sleep in on Sundays now that I don't have to attend the brainwashing classes anymore.
    Isn't freedom wonderful?!

  • humble

    The problem with apostates is that they do not do their own research. They visit and read postings in other apostate sites and believe every work they read. This is what they accuse real JW's from doing. They listen to bitter men such as Ray Franz and believe all their accusations. They would lead you to believe that these are humble men and great writers, but in reality these are used by Satan to fill good people with harmful doubts about Jehovah and the way he handles matters. Some of the apostates on this site are former elders that claim that everything they did was because they followed the Watchtower's way of doing things. The truth is that they were horrible elders, and for one reason or another they were removed. Because of their pride, they cannot accept that they were horrible elders that misused their power and took advantage of Jehovah's flock. Jehovah does not accept prideful people, so he removes his spirit from their lives. Because Jehovah's people will not listen to this, they try to find weak ones to believe all their bull and supposedly, their "inside knowledge" which corrupted. They are able to find these weak ones in this board.

    Of course, it does not help that faithful witnesses such as Ted, myself and others come into this forum and read all the diceatful postings. By falsely using "Jehovahs witness" they try to trap faithful ones. We must be cautious. No matter what we say, they will not listen. If Jesus, himself showed up, they would not listen. We must leave it in Jehovah's hands, and he will handle things appropiately.

  • dedalus

    Humble, you pathetic You Know wannabe.

    I've gotten people out of the "truth" using nothing other than Watchtower quotations taken directly from the publications in question. Those who claim they do not have access to these publications, or that certain quotes cannot be verified, are lazy. A quick tour of your city's Kingdom Halls will turn up all the evidence a person needs. Scans of publications are available online. Court records and transcripts in which the Organization has perjured itself are a matter of public record and can be easily verified by anyone who knows how to read.

    Whether an "apostate" is humble or proud, meek or arrogant, eloquent or inarticulate, is completely irrelevant. If he or she has the facts in order, the evidence speaks for itself.


  • TR


    The problem with apostates is that they do not do their own research. They visit and read postings in other apostate sites and believe every work they read.

    All I can say is, PURE B.S.


    "Kults Suk"

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