Can anyone really get out intact? Maybe less painless, but having to resort to their (jw) own mind-numbing subterfuge is not appealing, unless you are into self abuse.
in the complete sense of the word-- of course not, but as you stated "less painful"
as to having to resort to thier tactics- my point is simple- coming to the net provides a person with all the options as to HOW AND WHEN to leave-- along with thier pros and cons-- so that they can decide what is good for them
what is good for you and i may not be what someone else wants to do
keep in mind everyone is not in the same situtation- you see in wt we learn that one size fits all:
"If a sister with one leg and 6 kids can swim across snake infested water and make the meetings on time -then you can make the meeting if it is the next block over" mindset
some are old and may live with thier kids who are jw, much different from a 22 yr old who is leaving home next month anyway to go out on his own
the ways of leaving run from telling the elders , your family , wife, son and daughter to kiss your A$$ this ain't the truth alll the way to "Drifitng Away" and everything in between
we merely want to provide options along with the pros and cons