Like most open groups that go through cycles so too this board goes through its cycles. New people come in and others leave all the time. New issues surface and disappear to be taken up by other issues or older ones resurface.
It seems to me that anyone who desires more thoguth provoking topics needs to start them. Some will get a lot of posts. Others won't. Controvery gets a lot of posts. But if you assess the success of any one topic by the number of posts it gets you would be dead wrong.
People need variety. And coming from a place where only one topic was acceptable people who come here need the opportunity to explore a wide range of topics (fluff included). How else are we to learn normal social discourse if we can't practice it somewhere? And here at least is the knowledge that others will understand some of the gaps in our social awareness that others take for granted.
Yes people make friends here and stick with them but they do that everywhere. To expect any different here is unreasonable. People will champion their own issues. Got one? Go for it and see who comes out of the woodwork to share their thoughts.
JWD Lite? well sometimes we all need a bit of light. Too much was controlled and never enough lite in the borg.
Too many of Min's questions? I actually like his questions and think they fill a very important role (even though a lot of people criticize him for it - Go for it Min - they are more important than most people realize).
Posters have their own agendas? Doesn't everyone? What's the problem? Diversity is wonderful. Lordy the last thing we need here is the JW-type unity.
No person or board will ever bring down the WTS. To even think such a thing could happen is unrealistic. This board and others like it serve the purpose of the people who come here whether they post or just read. And we have no idea how many people read what goes on here. We have no idea how many times something is copied and emailed or printed and given to others to read. All we can affect is our tiny corner of the universe. Whatever impact I have (or don't have) is small. But one drop doesn't make much of a trickle. A thousand drops does better. But if each one keeps adding their drop hopefully a river will soon be formed. And just as my one drop gets lost in the flow and travels down the river to a place I may never know of so too my words may travel to a person I will never know. And that is OK.
My hope is that what I say (or post) helps someone somewhere. I would like to know who but I don't need to know who. All I need is to share. When I want. And what I want.
I hope we each do the same