This Forum.....What Benefit is Is thesedays?

by ScoobySnax 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    Scoob: I think your view of the board is skewed ....or is that screwed hmmmm

  • WildHorses
    I agree with Lady Lee, and what I heard you say, Scoob, is that you thought we might need less fluff and more substance. I think the forum is a good balance of both, sometimes more fluff, sometimes more substance.

    Personally, I prefer more fluff and I have to tell you. I am very disappointed in the people on this forum as of late. You are slacking on the fluff! Now, just what do you all intend to do about it?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    This forum claims that it might help many who may not post yo make a stand. True one or two may post and be grateful in a month. But I think for a vast majority of both JWs and ex-JWs it is a bit of a laughing spot.

    Cramped and narrow is the road leading off to life but broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction ... eh, Scoob? Sort of depends on which way you want to aim that isn't it?

    So what's up Scott? This isn't really about a computer discussion board is it? There's something else niggling at you. You sound restless. Either there is something you want to say, but don't feel you can, or there is something bothering you and you haven't pegged it yet.

    So, what's up?


  • ScoobySnax

    For A START minimus since what have you contributed bar questions and a pom pom cheerleader precense/exsitence ra-ra .......(but i think you're ok despite..)...

    LadyLee ...You're comments stand on their own. Thanks for an honest reply.

    HS.......Just how more patronising can you possibly become in a forum......LOL. "Whilst I seem like a good soul" etc etc.......!!! "a noticable intellectual dimension to the board" blah made me laugh. One day.....and I mean ONE day I can only dream of reaching your intellectual hights HS.

    Flower//// Thanks too.

    Sheila...Screwed please.

  • gumby

    It's too bad nobody remembered the very thread that DEALS WITH THIS VERY SUBJECT........a thread started by the most beloved and respected poster on this entire forum! Duh!!!!


  • minimus

    like I said, he never answers questions.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    the most beloved and respected poster on this entire forum

    Sword of Jah?

  • minimus

    Why thank you, Gumby! Just a note----You put up one of your threads, not mine. Honest mistake, I'm sure.

  • talesin


    This board, imho, is a genuine reflection of RL and a good place for folks to learn how people react to each other when they escape the mindcontrol of WTS.

    The one thing we have is a 'shared experience'. From the other side of the coin (being out for over 20 years and having NO ONE who understood how I felt as an exJW), I can tell you that this DB helped me know, for the first time, that there are others going through the same *&$# as me. It was like walking, tentatively, hesitantly, into a room full of strangers, and having some of them come up to me and say "WELCOME, WE UNDERSTAND".

    It's a group, and each group has its own dynamic. From what I've seen of life, the dynamic here is generally positive.

    And as for the trolls, well ... happy to say it's nice to know that in THIS group there are folks watching out for abusive, nasty people who just want to cause trouble. Case in point, SuperJW yesterday. His first post, felt 'unsafe' imho. No one jumped on 'him' immediately, he was just quietly allowed to 'dig his own grave' for a couple hours. Once it was dug - plop - see ya! To the mods - WELL DONE!

    Yes, some are more popular than others. Well, that's life. Some are quick-witted and always give the group a chuckle or smirk. Others may be more introspective and don't get noticed as much. Some are scholars, others are not. That's just the way it is.

    But each member of the group brings their own special qualities to the table - and that's what it's all about. (at least, for moi)

    Just my two...

    PS, sounds like you are having a rough time right now - be kind to yourself, 'kay?


  • ScoobySnax

    Chris.......I agree, it all depends what side of the monkey enclosure you're standing looking in at.

    Mini......In answer, put your pom poms down and Ask ME a question. Make it an original one though. None of your usual stuff......and I'll see what I can come up with.

    Gumby....I am the beloved and respected member.....can't u see.

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