Well, after the week I've had, I for one, am glad that this board is here.
I've been away for quite awhile, learning to function out in the real world, and feeling confident, thanks in part to the folks who took the time when I was a newbie here to answer my questions, which had been posted countless times before. No one took offense-they directed me to whatever thread contained the answer I sought, or patiently took the time to go over it "one more time".
To me, this board is kind of like an adopted family-one that took me in when my spiritual"birth family" got so abusive I had no choice but to leave.Sure, there are fights and fluff and alliances and whining. That's the stuff that families deal with every day (I have kids, I know). If things get too tense for me, I just leave for a bit. Just as when things get too much in my family, I check out just the same.And I do my share of whining, too, rest assured.Sometimes I get too busy with my real world life, and don't stop in, just as I sometimes get too busy with my concerns and put my kids' concerns at the bottom of the list. But nowhere else on the great big web have I found an exJW board that I like as much as this one (and believe me-I've done a lot of surfing).
At times like these past couple weeks, when I've had multiple visits from Jehovah's Witnesses, despite having voluntarily dissassociated myself and wanting no more than to live and let live, I'm glad I have somewhere to go that has such a nice balance of "People" type fluff and serious discussions to clear my palate.
I was also one of those lurkers. I lurked for weeks and read posts for hours on end before I worked up the nerve to post myself. Did I ever say thank you? I don't remember. If not, thanks to you all. You included, Scoob, for kicking us in the ass and reminding us to have a little cheese with our whine
And to all you lurkers out there-this IS what the real world is like. Delicious, and sometimes a little stinky-like a nice swiss cheese.