So what one thing INTERESTING happened to you in the last 24 hours.....

by ScoobySnax 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    OK Freeze Frame today.......out of all the interactions with others and goings-on, was there anything remotely interesting that happened to you today? Today is probably a typical day, in your probable and predictable all too short life.... This 24 hours was probably similar to yesterday and maybe similar to tommorow. But I want to know what was the most interesting thing that happened personally to you. Maybe a conversation or a situation, no matter how boring, you have to pick ONE.

    I'll start.....mine was.... finding out through my mum that my cousin is a Lesbian. Not earth shattering (and in hindsight not entirely a suprise) but a revelation to me.

    Hows your 24 hours going? (Theres a prize for the most original)*

    Tell me


    *subject to independant verification.

  • pr_capone

    lol.... easy enough

    I found out today that two pieces of fruitloops cerial can be shoved up my nose while I am sleeping and I will not wake up. - courtesy of my best friends kids. (2 and 4 years old)

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • dustyb

    well, my g/f came over and told me she read through my letter, and she doesn't really expect the elder to prove me wrong. then we made out for awhile, etc etc etc. she told me a few things that was surprised to hear (good things). then i got my tax return back and i'm living fat right now...

  • Puternut

    Today, I tried to stand on my head, but then realized that my feet wouldn't make it up there

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I found out an old lady had 2 threads locked in one night and wondered why.

  • ScoobySnax

    All very interesting "glimpse-shot" into JWD members so far........

    Big Tex looks sure to scoop the prize so far.......but on the other hand we're only a handful in.

    Come on, anything.something you prolific lot.

    I don't care if its boring.


  • Mulan

    My 15 year old granddaughter is an aspiring actress. (She has done some modeling and was in a commercial about 5 years ago). She had a school assignment to interview someone who is working in her chosen profession. Since her parents both work, she asked me to drive her to interview an actor yesterday afternoon, who is pretty well known in Seattle, who agreed to the interview. No one here would know him, I'm sure.

    It was a fascinating 2 1/2 hours. We both learned a lot and he was very very helpful to her, and signed her up to volunteer at the local theater (Driftwood Players), which she had asked to do if she qualified (she does) and he gave her free tickets to the play they are doing now. He is about 35-40 and has had a very interesting life, working and making a living full time in that profession. He is also the administrator of the Driftwood Theater a costume designer and an actor. Carlie told him she didn't think Tom Cruise was really a very good actor, and mostly overrated, and he stood up, shook her hand, and said "thank you". He thinks Meryl Streep is by far the greatest living actress, and didn't mention an actor.

    I was impressed by how much Carlie (my granddaughter) knows about theater, movies and the arts. I win?

  • wednesday

    I have been ill for some time.. A very sweet JW sis (who calls me every so often) stopped by and brought me the lastest mags. She came in an visted for a while. I actually looked at the mags.

  • bisous

    well, the most interesting thing that happened to me in the last 24 hours was meeting you in chat ScoobySnax! (hoping it helps to suck up to the thread poster in order to win the prize??)

    other than that, I have been lazy all day since A) haven't felt too good and B)I am working tomorrow...laid about in bed all day - alone (pity) so very little opportunity for something truly interesting to happen since the aforementioned occurrence!

    Disappointed 2

  • ScoobySnax

    Mulan, Wednesday, Bisous........

    Mulan.......The love of a grandmother. You must be so proud, good for her and you!

    Wednesday...... You done me proud too. She sounds great.

    Bisous.....Vanity over-rules yet again....... £1000 quid looks like yours.......


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