does breaking any WT rules count?? cuz today i've broken about a dozen or so i think....
So what one thing INTERESTING happened to you in the last 24 hours.....
by ScoobySnax 41 Replies latest jw friends
I took my granddaughter ( 17 ) to see her Aunt Sue( my daughter who is out of the borg -(still got one in) Then promptly feel over her chair > face first! hurt my legs( both ) & I think I have sprained my wrist---oooo (It is so painful ) If it swells by tomorrow will have to go for a x-ray I guess. But then I came home & got a e-mail from borgfree Havent heard from him since he became a grandpa Hi Roy!!!!!I liked getting that ((((HUG))
Woo hoo!!! (now I just need to convert quid to dollars to see what just happened .. lol)
I talked to my chickens today..
Dsitrict Overbeer
No they don't dustybin. That requisite is hardly original or indeed a first, even in the last 24 hours here. As I'm so keenly reminded, even posting here breaks the first rule of WT etiquette. C+ for effort Your first reply earnt more points.
Whats up with the rest of you.......SOMETHING in the last 24 hours (bar meeting me) must have shined.
Come on JWD...shape upand reply.
Scoob....prostituting himself for replies........
Went to the Hed P.E./ Mardi Gras show, and realized that girls will show and do just about anything for a strand of 20 cent plastic beads.
Chevy of the "proud to say I kept my top on" class
Bisous.....£1000 quid equals about 5.3 million US could be rich well soon!
Mouthy....lay off the Vodka before visits to Aunt Sue....
Valis.....Not the "you and the chickens" tired old stories again...... How often you gonna play on that one.....Yikes.
mrs rocky2
Just came back from a healing circle, led by a Shaman. I feel absolutely wonderfull - got a lot of negative stuff out of my system.
Oooooo Mrs. Rocky, I am going to tell your Dad.
(((((((MOUTHY))))))))) You ok?
well; my husband moved out on tuesday-but returned tonight cos his friend threw him out lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!now i gotta work out how to live with him and not speak .oh, and i proposed to someone as its leap year .do i win......huh, huh?