okay it's a toss up between Mouthy, reboot and Mrs. Rocky..............oh, and me.
So what one thing INTERESTING happened to you in the last 24 hours.....
by ScoobySnax 41 Replies latest jw friends
mrs rocky2
Mulan -
Be careful! It might kill him! He has been "don't ask, don't tell about our 'spiritual' condition." Altho my sis (who hasn't spoken to me for a couple of weeks since she had a big blow up with our oldest daughter about JW matters) tells me Dad tells her that Rocky is evil and is leading me and the girls astray! LOL
Reboot......only if u throw said husband out. You may not have won 5.3 million US dollars, but you get Congrats and good wishes for your proposal.
MrsRocky2.... Be careful. Went out with an old friend of mine in the week for a beer, and she is a Spiritualist and used to attend the "healing circles" you mention at her church. She told me she has had trouble with an unwelcome "presense" in her bed of a night time recently. I'd call it a welcome addition.....but she seems well freaked out with it. I don't mean to be flippant. But be careful please with all that stuff
keep going
mrs rocky2
Scooby - thanks for the warning, but stopped having nightmares after I stopped going to KH. Used to have full body involved nightmares, where it felt like someone was on top of me smothering me. I would wake up screaming in the night...scared the tar out of my husband. They happened regularly from the time I started regularly attending meetings at age 10, until a year after I stopped going. I've been to this Shaman before, she is a friend of mind since before she became a Shaman. I have not been 'visited by what is bad in the night.' She is very careful to make sure we bring positive energy in after we expell the negative. Mostly she uses guided imagery, it's not the free floating 'empty your mind' kind of stuff...I am in control of my thoughts the entire time. But thank you for your concern!
MrsRocky......With all due respect, you sound exactly as she did line for line in your reply, 10 years ago when we were at college. Be safe. I mean that.
Well I just know who is going to win the £678 quid....(9.7 million dollars equivalent) so many good replies....but I feel sure there is some lucky prize winner out there who has yet to post......isn't there.
isn't there.
ISN'T THERE God damn yer!!!
Come on.
Scoob (rapidly exhausting his reduced posting limit) Thanks Valis btw.
mrs rocky2
Scooby - thank you for your cautions for safety and concern. I wish you knew where my head/heart are right now with respects to the supernatural. I have yet to be given scientific proof of the existence of either good or evil spirits. My first visit in the night by nightmares happened shortly after we received the blue "Truth" book, which had graphic details about spiritism. I believe my nightmares were fueled by the power of suggestion, super scare tactics of WT on the mind of an innocent child (I was only 10), and the power of mind over matter.
I would be very interested in talking with anyone who has real documentable scientific, replicatable proof, of the existence of the supernatural, evil or good. I no longer fear the night. (and I don't want to hijack your thread....this is so interesting seeing what things happened to people in the last 24 hours! so PM me if you want to continue this discussion.) Mrs R
I really don't have reliable, documentable,scientific, or replicatable proof of any of that stuff. I was just sitting in a pub listening to Viv my friend on Wednesday night hearing her experiences, we only touched on it for 20 minutes. I put it to her that maybe she had dabbled in spiritualistic stuff a bit too much with her church, and recalled that a few years back she had sat in a "circle" and had gone into a trance like state paralised, with tears streaming down her face, and had cried for days afterwards whilst the presiding "minister" had told her she was helping others overto the other side.....It made her ill for weeks, so much so that she began to loose clumps of her hair, an alapecia type thing. I really don't know, maybe it was similar to how you felt when u got the blue book....who knows. I wouldn't begin to judge my friend no more than you. To be honest I was more interested in having another beer and getting back to talking about the old tiimes at college again....!
Who will win the £267 quid (97.5 million US dollar) prize I wonder......I'm holding myself in anticipation here........Any more things in the last 24 hours?
mrs rocky2
Didn't get to experience the college thing, but our daughters are currently enjoying fully their 4-year college life....I've heard they are enjoying some "social gatherings" too. Cheers!
Lady Lee
I finally posted some of my daughter's wedding pics - well interesting to me
Grace - hope you are OK
Scooby dooby doo!
How come the lower the quid number goes the higher the $US goes???? duhhhhhh.....i'm confused