Are Posters Deleted Forever?

by Simon 223 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    Yes, just to make clear - Amazing has *not* been deleted from the board and is in regular contact with us. His posts have temporarily been removed for good reason that will become clear soon and he will be back.

    Sorry I can't tell you more right now - all will become clear though.

  • LittleToe



    Little Toe, You are nothing but a "jiggling confectionary penile implant".

    Taken literally, that visual is quite frightening.

    Be afraid - VERY afraid!!!

    That sounds like an offer that's hard to refuse. Will it be a live Apostofest feed, or just for personal consumption?

    You just want to hit my "B*st*rd 'A' List", doncha?
    Not even close, buddy!

    Boo hoo, the nasty man is calling me names...

  • Sunspot

    ***Yes, just to make clear - Amazing has *not* been deleted from the board and is in regular contact with us. ***

    {Heaving a hug sigh of relief!!!} Simon---thanks for writing this!!! I could not IMAGINE what could have possibly made Jim so upset or angry enough to leave! I tried to find out (through archived posts) just WHAT had happened, but if ya don't KNOW where to look, it's futile (I know, LOL!)

    Now it's all very intriguing, to say the least! SO glad he's alright!

    Littletoe and Craig---Thanks for the "wb"---I appreciate it very much! For some reason I "blanked" when I saw the term, and had to ask hubby for the definition---he said it stood for "whiney bitch" and smiled! (THEN told me it meant "welcome back" which I was much relieved to hear---hahaha!)

    Thanks again Simon for explaining that, and thanks Craig for supplying the link!



  • Abaddon

    Okay, I've not been asked to do this, but 'questions are being asked' at JWO and as they're quite good questions (the ones I am posting, anyway). Here they are, in red, my additonal comments in bold;

    Will the *Suspension* be public, and for all to see?

    Good question. I think the mods have to accept some transparency in their dealings will be appreciated by those who are close enough to a cult environment to have trust issues. I can;t think of a reason why it shouldn;t be allowed. I suggest in Member directory there's a pull down in the moderator view (no, I'm not, but I know what interfaces look like) which allow one of a handful of reasons to be stated. It also means a poster will know why he's been suspended without any additonal adminstrative load (i.e. sending mail).

    How long is a *Short Period?*
    I can't think of a reason for NOT having behind a standard period; as a first is a wake-upcall, 48 hours would be reasonable.

    How long are subsequent periods?

    How many *Multiple Suspensions* is one allowed before one is Permanently Deleted?

    Second period within year of a first supension, one week, third period within year of first suspension, two weeks. Fourth is final and permenant. First suspension 'disappears' after a year. Seems reasonable and clear and reassuring to people.

    But, of course, those are my opinions about what the answers should be, and opinons are like assholes.

    What's the opinions of the mods on these questions?

  • Simon

    Ok, here are my thoughts.

    Will the *Suspension* be public, and for all to see?

    There are good reasons both for and against this. The only reason that the status was removed is that certain people were using it to make an issue over and I have lost count of the number of times that people demanded to be deleted and then posted elsewhere that they had been deleted unfairly and without their knowledge. I'm not interested in these silly games.

    I think having a set list of reasons would possibly be too inflexible and having an 'other' would not satisfy some people but I'll look into it.

    How long is a *Short Period?*

    I expect that most of the time this will be something as suggested, 48 hours, 96 hours, a week etc ... but I don't want to make forumulaic and rigid rules as I think this just plays into the hands of people who want to play games. So, for example, if someone is posting obsceneties and bragging that they will be back in 48 hours to do it again I don't see the need for us to stick to an inflexible forumula and not use some common sense.

    How long are subsequent periods?

    It will depend on the circumstances and what is being done but I expect it to be something along the periods above. All I can say is that decisions are discussed and decided upon by more than one person. All we want people to do is follow the simple guidelines but at the same time we don't want to make rigid rules that people can play with. I've no doubt that some people would return to cause trouble again, and again, and again just as they did when they were given chance after chance with the current system. At some point we need to take a sensible decision and say "enough" I think.

    The reason for the rules is just to make sure there is some semblance of order and civil behaviour. We don't *want* to delete people but at the same time we don't have infinite patience and have to consider the feelings of the people that may be affected by the persons behavior.

  • Simon

    BTW: I should add that we have no intention of making announcements about the status of people's accounts and whether someone can post or not is simply a matter between us and them, no one else.

    I'd hope that people were honest and mature enough to post if they want to and not if they don't want to. The made up issues where people flip-flop between demanding to be deleted and maknig threats of they are not and then claiming they have been unfairly treated does get tiresome and isn't something we intend to take part in.

    Yes, we will delete people's accounts for them but no, they will not get a status next to their name 'to show their friends'. Hopefully this will disuade people from doing this.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I would like to say that the administrator and the mods do their best to police the board (protect and serve).

    It is my understanding that they are busy dealing with keeping THIS board open and welcoming.

    I just want to put out there that as a poster on this OR ANY OTHER MESSAGE FORUM that what you write can be cut and pasted, discussed, speculated upon, diasected, and commented on in other places.

    This is NOT the fault of this board or it's administrators. What you say in writing here becomes "public property".

    You will not be torn apart here, but your comments and posts can be taken to other websites and used as seen fit by all manner of people whether well meaning or otherwise.

    Please do not post anything you are not comfortable with as if it were televised or radio broadcast.

    What happens to our posts are beyond the protection of this particular website. That is true of any site, not just JWD.

  • pettygrudger

    Good Point LW - a lesson I've learned only far too well

  • little witch
    little witch

    Me too PG, and many others.

    This was the first message board I ever posted on (and my all time favorite).

    Out of cyber-stupidity, I posted by my real name! That's how innocent I was.

    Only recently I have realized that my quiet conversations here are not private, but a snipet on a big network. (DUH)

    So if I am just recently figuring this out, then I feel others are too, and just wanted to put that out there for all. Not to hurt or hinder, but to save someone un-necessary pain later on.

    Again, that is not the fault (nor is it fixable) by this board or the administrators. It is how the Internet works.

  • pettygrudger

    I've also said that with the 6 degrees of separation, anything you say to anybody will eventually get around to everyone!

    The worst part is that by the time it comes out the other end, you wouldn't recognize it for truth if it jumped up & bit you in the butt!.

    For all the wonderful well-intentioned persons there are on these boards, there will always be a few that have underlying problems, and 9x out of 10 - it isn't the "troublemakers" most would assume they are. Amazingly enough, it's usually someone you would consider a "friend". This is why I also learned the hard way - treat any potential friendships you would here as almost marriage mates. Get to know them in r/l, eat with them, talk on the phone etc., and take some time doing even that before you can truly trust them with your most personal information. The boards are definitely a great place to make new friends - but it also can be trouble just waiting to happen. Caution with those things we hold most sacred is an absolute must.

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