Are Posters Deleted Forever?

by Simon 223 Replies latest forum announcements

  • xenawarrior
    The worst part is that by the time it comes out the other end, you wouldn't recognize it for truth if it jumped up & bit you in the butt!.

    So true Petty !! And when it starts out as a lie- a total fabrication- what it comes out as on the other end is even worse !!

    Sage advice !!


  • Abaddon

    Hi Simon

    Will the *Suspension* be public, and for all to see?

    I think no information is more liable to misuse than an absense of information and hope that it works out that way.

    How long is a *Short Period?*

    I expect that most of the time this will be something as suggested, 48 hours, 96 hours, a week etc ... but I don't want to make forumulaic and rigid rules as I think this just plays into the hands of people who want to play games. So, for example, if someone is posting obsceneties and bragging that they will be back in 48 hours to do it again I don't see the need for us to stick to an inflexible forumula and not use some common sense.

    Good point. Howabout making the standard periods set for posters with over 100 or 200 posts; those with less immediately have a weeks suspension if they get suspended?

    How long are subsequent periods?

    It will depend on the circumstances and what is being done but I expect it to be something along the periods above. All I can say is that decisions are discussed and decided upon by more than one person. All we want people to do is follow the simple guidelines but at the same time we don't want to make rigid rules that people can play with.

    In this respect you're damned if you do and damned if you dont, as the lattitude of the guidelines causes at least as much of a problem as people looking for loopholes.

    I've no doubt that some people would return to cause trouble again, and again, and again just as they did when they were given chance after chance with the current system. At some point we need to take a sensible decision and say "enough" I think.

    Thus the suggestion of fourth time forever.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Why is it I distrust cut and paste types?

    I hate that. It is like (only opinion) that someone is so scrutinizing our words.....

    Why can you not read a thought, evaluate, and comment?

    It seems so "I gotcha"

    Just me I guess....

  • Valis

    takes all kinds lw...It helps sometimes to cut and paste to keep your reply in context... gets to the brass tacks as it were.


    District Overbeer

  • little witch
    little witch

    Yeah, I will brass your tacks... LOL

  • SpannerintheWorks


    .It helps sometimes to cut and paste to keep your reply in context

    I agree.


  • little witch
    little witch


    When peeps cut and paste on a mile long thread, I have no idea what who or why they are doing the C and P thing...

    Nobody "gets it" but the quoter.

    Sometimes I just want to say "follow along with the bouncing ball", and hope that nobody feels the need to cut and paste a quote from forty miles back and expect everyone else to follow along...

    But thats just me...

  • Pleasuredome
    The only reason that the status was removed is that certain people were using it to make an issue over and I have lost count of the number of times that people demanded to be deleted and then posted elsewhere that they had been deleted unfairly and without their knowledge.

    a simple solution to this is to only delete people who publicly ask to be deleted.

    BTW: I should add that we have no intention of making announcements about the status of people's accounts and whether someone can post or not is simply a matter between us and them, no one else.

    what if THEY think it's in other peoples interests to know about their status? there needs to be some sort of statement as to why they are banned and a link to a post/thread where they broke the rules if possible. this will cut out the tiresome complaints of unfair treatment.

  • Valis

    Greetings PD...Actually if someone wants to delete their account it is simple done. Also remember that there are differeing levels. Deletion is not the same as Removal. Where deleting just inactivates the account, Removal takes away all thier posts. Now if a long time user here wanted to be removed that might throw all kinds of threads out of whack. Whole sections of context would be thrown out the window. To avoid any complaining from peeps and messing up the context of threads here's a tip I learned from someone many moons ago.

    How To Leave A DB

    1. Inform your friends.

    2. Change your email address to a fake one in your profile.

    3. Change your password to something difficult to remember.

    4. Make suse this is really what you want to do.

    5. Log out and step away from the computer.

    6. After a day or so one will have forgotten the psw and voila'!

    Everyone's problem is solved. No one could complain about being deleted or removed. AND if they wanted to come back they could contact Simon for help w/Profile changes. That and I assume w/an explanation why they went though all that drama and silliness in the first place. This leaves the sitiuation squarely in the hands of the individual. Just my two cents.


    District Overbeer

  • Englishman

    Just to make a couple of points clear.

    This announcement was approved by all the forum assistants here, each of us having made a contribution to it's content.

    We also recognised that while many posters did violate forum rules, some posters would feel that they had been treated unfairly, consequently we have resolved in future not to make any permanent deletions without full discussion amongst the forum assistants. This will prevent anyobne being deleted in a fit of pique where personalities conflict with one another.

    We also decided that we were not going to re-hash the reasons for a posters having been deleted in the first place. It is generally felt that any apologies that might have been due at one time have been more than nullified by the many things that have been posted about the administration or forum assistants by many of those persons. For this reason we do not intend to get into an interminable "But you said so I said" discussion.

    So what we are offering is the possibility of a fresh start to those who state that will abide by the forum rules, a drawing of a line beneath our differences.

    This place isn't everyone's cup of tea. Many are better off posting somewhere else. There's others who do want to post here, if not now, then sometime in the future. We're not saying there's a time limit on this.

    Maybe we all just need to chill for a while.


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