What causes the ups and downs of this Forum?

by gumby 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Why is it at times this place is hopin with posters eager to speak and spend more time here? What causes it to lag and move slow with less excitment? Is it me, is it the moon, is it just the way things go, what the hell causes it?


    *really seems slow at the present....and yesterday*.....proly me.

  • jgnat
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    well it seems to me the weekends are really slow most of the time.

    Sometimes it is a matter of the topics brought up and whether people are interested in reading them

    and some people have a life - think I need one too

  • willyloman

    Good question.

    I've been lurking here, reading every single post, for about 3 years now, and I've noticed there is an ebb and flow to this board. Sometimes for months the posts are serious, full of scholarship and challenging points of view with a lot of mature feedback. Then the whole place gets fluffy, as though it's three in the afternoon and high school just let out. When that happens the serious posts get little or no response; it's like everybody over a certain age has gone home.

    At least, that's been the rhythm so far. I think it has something to do with the fact that there are a finite number of topics that can be discussed in a closed group like this. Once they've been thoroughly hashed out, people move on with the recovery process in their lives. Then newbies come in and start the process over again. At any given time, the board reflects the age and maturity levels of the majority of posters.

  • Beans

    Temporary memory loss

    Lack of interaction with the human race

    Lack of beer

    People missing service

    People who miss the gossip at the hall

    Forgetting that when you post you should post as if that person were standing in front of you.


    Luke 12:19

  • simplesally

    No boobie threads.

  • gumby

    Beans......LMfreakinAO ! Beer and Jehovah.....that was a doooooozy!!!

    I think it has something to do with the fact that there are a finite number of topics that can be discussed in a closed group like this. Once they've been thoroughly hashed out, people move on with the recovery process in their lives. Then newbies come in and start the process over again. At any given time, the board reflects the age and maturity levels of the majority of posters.


    In the LONG haul yes.....but not on a daily or weekly basis. One happy and jolly day here can be a snorr tomarrow. And about the moon.....that can't be it cuz the damn moon isn't full at the moment where MANY of our posters live. It doesn't matter that people are from the east and west.....north and south here....... because the "emotion" of the board is not dependent on locality........and yet it follows a pattern. Ok Ok.....I'm gettin too deep here

    Just for those who think I'm a lazy white trash bastard....I ain't! I've been workin my arse off for my honey since 8 this morning and doin stuff......and now my house is pretty and clean.......so there! call me a lazy heathen, board postin, no life will ya?......


  • simplesally

    Now you can come play with us Blockheads!


  • willyloman
    In the LONG haul yes.....but not on a daily or weekly basis

    Gumby: It's like the weather. It's liable to change any minute.

  • gumby

    Salley.....quit bein silly dammit and get serious cuz I'm a smart guy and need some answers to git smarter.

    Heres the best boob thread I could come up with so you'll get that outta yur damn system

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