What causes the ups and downs of this Forum?

by gumby 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Well, gumby, for what it's worth Jennie and I were thinking of you today because we went to the mall and into Limited Too (her favorite store of the moment) and there, on the rack, was a shirt with "GUMBY" on it!!! Now, of course we thought of YOU! So even though we weren't posting we were thinking of an ex-JW, so I guess that counts, right?

    Can I count the time?


  • bebu

    Heather, I have never heard of a central brain... but I like that theory! It sure would explain a lot. It seems to be useful for a lot of areas of life... Oh, and I'm SO glad to hear you take a shower now and then! LOLOL! You should tear yourself away more often...

    Spring, not the moon, is keeping me away from the keyboard here.

    That, and Farkel's back .


  • xenawarrior

    Nope- it's all GUMBY'S Fault. Whatever it is- be it the war in Iraq- the slow traffic here-

    It's GUMBY

    But we love him anyway-troublemaker that he is


  • jgnat

    Central Brain - could explain the mob behaviour my daughter observed in retail. At the checkout; either nobody or a lineup! People just don't seem designed to wander over one by one.

  • SheilaM

    Why is my other post sooooo huge

    Jgnat: It is sooo true I worked retail and it was feast or famine. We decided that since we worked major appliances we would demonstrate the convection oven my making cookies and bread. My associates and I got realllll chubby

  • imallgrowedup
    Allgrowedup got me all fuzzy feelin too

    Hey! That came from the heart! I like pointy-headed rubber ... ummm... thingys! The reason I don't post more is I'm too busy remembering all the fun I had playing with you in my younger days ... yeah...(!)... that's the ticket!

    *wistful sigh*


  • minimus

    Listen.......I'll try to remedy this thing and just post more often, ok?

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Ok, Minimus, good idea....

  • imallgrowedup
    Listen.......I'll try to remedy this thing and just post more often, ok?

    Thanks, Min! Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't still lust after you in pantyhose!! growedup

  • minimus

    As long as YOU are the one in the pantyhose.

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