Hey Gumbastard! You know some of us filthy Apostates have to take time out from our busy posting schedules to drown puppies and so forth...sheesh...get a clue will ya?!
On a more serious note you ever see Akira? I think that film is like this forum in a lot of ways. People intake so much and then either implode or explode. Especially with other unrelated craziness going on around them in RT and on the board. . So my advice? Take a break, go drown a couple puppies (kitties work too)...When you come back to the forum it will seem as fresh as a bar of Irish Spring...
District Overbeer of the "Pro Gumby Is A Bastard" class
Take a break, go drown a couple puppies (kitties work too)
And you call Gumby a "sick bastard"! Pot... kettle... black.... hmmmmm.....!?
As long as YOU are the one in the pantyhose.
Oh no no no no! It's the pantyhose that endear you to me!
*rolls eyes thinking - do I hafta remind him of everything?! Where's the romance in that?!* (I think my eye is starting to hurt from so much winking! Help! Medic!)