What causes the ups and downs of this Forum?

by gumby 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup


    I agree that weekends are always slower - which goes to show how many people post from work! I also believe that weather plays a role. When it is nice outside, many people want to be outside, not cooped up in the house in front of the computer. This week has been unbelievably nice where I live, and I've been at the park with my son and his friends, out working in my yard, and perusing the landscaping departments of Home Depot and Lowe's. Why be inside when you can be outside?! I also believe that when the weather gets nicer, people start making more social plans - and their calendars fill up quickly which pulls them away from the computer. Other times, I think people just get bored with the conversation or frustrated in certain types of threads which limits the threads they are willing to go into. But overall, I think the single biggest factor that the board slows down is because of:

    [Choice A] Is it me, [Choice B] is it the moon, [Choice C] is it just the way things go?

    Choice A. If you didn't have such a pointy head, I know I would be posting here more often!!!

    Gotta run! I've got some plants I bought yesterday that need a permanent home in my yard.....!


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    On the statistics portion of the site, activity jumps up in the middle of the month and then wind downs toward the end of the month. Is there a fiscal reason for this, do posters post more when they have more money to buy beer and drugs and let it all out like on a bar stool.

  • Sunnygal41
    Ok Ok.....I'm gettin too deep here

    LOL! Gumb, I like it when it's deep~

    (now ending this response and being a good little girl)

  • Simon

    Posting varies and it depends on what is going on plus what day it is. Today, Sunday, is the slowest and Monday morning normally has a peak (shame on you all when you should be working ! LOL) but I think Wednesday tends to be the busiest day overall.

    There are bigger 'cycles' too of course - sometimes there are big topics and events going on which gets people's attention (last year it was all thr TV programmes being aired) but it's impossible to sustain this level of insensity all the time. Sometimes there are big debates on issues, other times the prevailing modd seems to be fluff and having fun. It's all good.

  • Maverick

    Picture Maverick shaking his head over the comment from sunnygal.

    To answer the question, it is the oscillation of weightly subjects countered by a lot of hot air!

  • LittleToe


    It's the cause of more ups'n'downs than a yoyo factory.

  • Farkel

    This place seems to go downhill every time I open my yapper!


  • FlyingHighNow

    Perhaps like the retail, restaurant business customers, JWD posters are controlled by a central brain. Let me explain:

    I work in a retail shop/restaurant. We employees there have noticed some trends. I work in the retail side. Somedays you can pay lots of attention to the customers and they don't buy much: your sales are low. Your boss gets on your tail to sell, sell sell, but nothing you do works. Then other days you are so busy with tasks that you ignore customers and they have to come looking for you for help. Lo and behold your sales are so high that they break records. It's as if the customers are controlled by a central brain.

    The the cooks notice that some days everyone comes in and orders salads. Other days they hardly order any salads. Then one day they all order cobbler and icecream and no milkshakes. Other days they all order milkshakes. Somedays they order no salads and they order roast beef. Central brain.

    So when the sales are poor and my boss rides my back, I tell her the central brain has deemed this will be a low sales day. She looks at me like I'm a naughty little girl and she walks away saying nothing more. But she also has this: Maybe she's got something there. look in her eyes.

    Back to JWD. Maybe the central brain says something like: the good folks over at JWD are gettin' too serious. I don't dig it. So he/she programs us all to lighten up. Then he/she sees that we are all sittin' on our a$$es too much and posting, so he/she makes the weather pretty and makes us feel like we are turning into JWD junkies and that we should get out of the house more. So we turn off the internet and computer, take showers and get the H-E-double toothpicks out of the house.

    Just a silly little theory that probably hasn't the least bit of merit, but I thought it might be worth posting anyway.

    Watch out for the central brain.


  • SheilaM

    For Thunder and I we have been home watching our Marine run in and out

    For Thunder and I this weekend we've had our Marine son home on a 72, he goes back Monday
    We've also had grandbaby and she loves her Uncle Anthony.

    With Spring here I intend to be out getting a new KOi pond finished. Planting some trees and hopefull installing a new deck.

  • gumby

    Well, Simon had to go an give the answer away and I was gonna lie and blame it on Farkel for it being slow......damn him!

    It seems Sunday would be busier.....especially when the weather was crappy. I think it's sunny all over the planet right now and everyone is lovin it!!!! Maybe tonight when it gits reeeal cold out.......we can all be a loving, close, warm, big ol' bastard family again!


    Allgrowedup got me all fuzzy feelin too.

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