I agree that weekends are always slower - which goes to show how many people post from work! I also believe that weather plays a role. When it is nice outside, many people want to be outside, not cooped up in the house in front of the computer. This week has been unbelievably nice where I live, and I've been at the park with my son and his friends, out working in my yard, and perusing the landscaping departments of Home Depot and Lowe's. Why be inside when you can be outside?! I also believe that when the weather gets nicer, people start making more social plans - and their calendars fill up quickly which pulls them away from the computer. Other times, I think people just get bored with the conversation or frustrated in certain types of threads which limits the threads they are willing to go into. But overall, I think the single biggest factor that the board slows down is because of:
[Choice A] Is it me, [Choice B] is it the moon, [Choice C] is it just the way things go?
Choice A. If you didn't have such a pointy head, I know I would be posting here more often!!!
Gotta run! I've got some plants I bought yesterday that need a permanent home in my yard.....!