Victory for Terrorism

by Yerusalyim 135 Replies latest social current

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Well...this looks interesting...

    CNN also has obtained a document posted on an Internet message board analysts believe is used by al Qaeda and its sympathizers that spells out the terrorist group's plan to separate Spain from the U.S.-led coalition on Iraq.

    The strategy spelled out in the document, posted last December on the Internet, calls for using terrorist attacks to drive Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's Partido Popular from power and replace it with the Socialists.

    That was expected to drive a wedge between Washington and Madrid and result in the withdrawal of Spanish military forces from Iraq.

    "We think the Spanish government will not stand more than two blows, or three at the most, before it will be forced to withdraw because of the public pressure on it," the al Qaeda document says.

    "If its forces remain after these blows, the victory of the Socialist Party will be almost guaranteed -- and the withdrawal of Spanish forces will be on its campaign manifesto."

  • Panda

    sixofnine, Interesting that you claim the US is not fighting terrorism... have you spoken to any returning soldiers from Iraq OR Afghanistan? They seem to think (the few I know) that we are fighting terrorism. Mostly what I hear is "God f***ing dammit, what is wrong with these people?" refering to terrorists. Hatred for America is as old as JFK. You know all of that CIA business which almost made the cold war hot? Politics is what keeps the UN from "doing the right thing."

    Anyway all of this fighting is going to end when there are no more willing young men (or women?) to scatter their body parts across a road. What will help will be a restructured-infrastucture where there are jobs. If people have jobs and a family and the right to speak freely they won't hate us anymore.

    Just take a look at "Red" China. I am amazed at the changes in that "communist" country. When folks are allowed to work and earn money and feed their families and send their kids to school ... heck things look good when life is liveable. Now in China individuals can own their property. What's next? elections?

    Freedom and individualism define America. And as the Former PM of Canada said last night on Bill Maher "I would not want to live in a country where some things don't offend me. Freedom means everyone is not like me." I say Bravo to her.

    (corrected to remove the "s" from defines)

  • SixofNine
    sixofnine, Interesting that you claim the US is not fighting terrorism... have you spoken to any returning soldiers from Iraq OR Afghanistan? They seem to think (the few I know) that we are fighting terrorism. Mostly what I hear is "God f***ing dammit, what is wrong with these people?"

    ???? returning soldiers? Dead ones or live ones? With, or without their limbs?

    Are you really unaware that if you want a fight you can find one? Do you really think this mysterious "they" will run out of people? Should America's next generation be the victim of today's schoolyard mentality????

    So they (soldiers) are saying "God f*****g dammit what is wrong with these people" eh? Sounds like they still don't understand their enemy then. That's kind of essential in war you know.

    The soldiers in Iraq certainly were not fighting terrorism, though they may be now, as I pointed out above. If you somehow think the war in Iraq is related to the war on terror, you've missed a whole bunch of the plot.

    Just take a look at "Red" China. I am amazed at the changes in that "communist" country. When folks are allowed to work and earn money and feed their families and send their kids to school ... heck things look good when life is liveable. Now in China individuals can own their property. What's next? elections?

    I admit it, I'm speechless, I don't know how to respond, for that matter I don't know what this has to do with the price of rocket launchers in Mosul.

    Freedom and individualism define America.

    Yes, among many other things. People around the world could easily look up to America's ideals; they just need us to live up to them. It's kind of hard when we have war-mongering good ol' boy chickenhawk unilateralist low-intelligence assholes at the helm.

  • donkey
    It's kind of hard when we have war-mongering good ol' boy chickenhawk unilateralist low-intelligence assholes at the helm.

    I am sure you have convinced everyone with this intelligent argument. I know I am definitely convinced that Kerry is my guy after that piece of literary brilliance.

  • SixofNine

    Good. Go then and vote. The children are counting on you to do the right thing. It's not like you really have a choice anyway.

    Ps. glad you saw the brilliance in my post. Lesser people might miss it.

  • donkey
    Good. Go then and vote. The children are counting on you to do the right thing. It's not like you really have a choice anyway.

    There is no one running for president who is worth voting for. If you think any of the clown-candidates from either side will make life better then you are crazy. They are only interested in politics not in solving the real problems that are growing bigger and bigger every day we focus on stupid stuff like athletes on steroids...

    Now we have two good ole boys from "skull and bones" pretending they are competing on different sides.

    The real problems facing us are:

    • The looming oil shortage - it has been hidden from view of the public.
    • The trade deficit - most people fail to understand what this means for the USA long term
    • The mathematical impossibility of fixing social security or medicare without really pissing off the electorate

    In short all the candidates will screw our children over with rhetoric while they continue to blow smoke up the public's arse with non essential issues.

  • Yerusalyim


    Well, you're changing the topic of this thread a bit, but I really need to would YOU have fought the war on terror. All indications are that Gore would have had the attorney general all over this...and maybe dropped a bomb on a few empty camps and declared "victory". The War on Terror will last a generation or more. Spain just lost.

  • MorpheuzX

    Yeru, in Spain they have this thing called DEMOCRACY. Here let me define it for you:

    Main Entry: de·moc·ra·cy
    Pronunciation: di-'mä-kr&-sE
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural -cies
    Etymology: Middle French democratie, from Late Latin democratia, from Greek dEmokratia, from dEmos + -kratia -cracy
    1 a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
    2 : a political unit that has a democratic government
    3 capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the U.S.
    4 : the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
    5 : the absence of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges

    The people of Spain are free to pick their own leaders, based on their own ideas about the direction of their government, without regard for your farcical assumption that this is a victory for terrorism. Obviously if the Spanish people thought Jose Maria Aznar was doing an acceptable job as prime minister he'd still have the job; instead they've installed Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the post.

    I can only hope that our country has a similar "regime change" this fall.

  • imallgrowedup

    I try so hard to stay out of political threads, but I can't help but pop in and tell you that you are right on the money again, Yeru.


  • avishai
    I have to agree that Spain handled the whole situation poorly. They were too quick to blame the Vasques, and just didn't seem to know how to handle the whole sitatution

    Maybe we would to if, it was the same people bombing the shit out of us time and time again. geez. It's pretty hard not to think that if the only people bombing the crap out of you for 40 years were the ETA, that it would be different this time

    I can only hope that our country has a similar "regime change" this fall.

    Yup, and if Alqueda bombs us again, maybe we will. For one that has a more passive, "peaceful, bend over position.

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