The terrorists won a great victory in Spain. Mind you, I'm all for the democratic's great...and had the Spanish decided to part ways with the US of it's own volition, GREAT!...However, the Socialists were project to NOT win a majority in this weekends election...that is until the terrorist attack. Now, with the Socialist coming into power...and the promise to both withdraw the 1300 Spanish soldiers from Iraq and to part ways with the US on foriegn policy we can look for more such attacks in other countries. The Terrorists scored a great victory...and I shutter for the future of Europe...and the US...especially when there's an election in the offing....apparently terrorism works. This is a sad moment for the world.
Victory for Terrorism
by Yerusalyim 135 Replies latest social current
Amen Brother.
I heard that too Yeru.
Terrorism is not about to end if people give in. Every nation should want to fight terrorism, not give in.
Strangely enough, I share some of your feelings:
Yet the overwhelming majority of Spaniards did not want the Iraq war, and their "democratic" government decided to follow the Blair-Bush tandem against them. They paid the high price for it -- not Aznar. Blackmail was involved on both sides, and perhaps what happened yesterday was the only way to get out of it.
Coals to Newcastle.
- Operation Better then My Dad had nothing to do with terrorist (or WMDs.. prove me wrong), and Spain is now rightfully getting out of the whole issue. Spain gave up on conquest awhile ago. The US is the one playing conquistador now. So let Spain back out and focus on its economy and prevention of terror attacks in the future, as the US should have done, instead of being diverted into the mess we are currently in. The sooner we back out of Iraq and concentrate on domestic agenda (including real counterterrosism) the better.
- If Anzar hadn't blamed ETA without provocation he might well have won that election.
Gitas, whatever your contentions (which I disagree with) tell me how it is the terrorists will NOT read this as a victory.
If Anzar hadn't blamed ETA without provocation he might well have won that election.
Thats about the long and short of it.
Terrorists cannot be reasoned with. They can only be dealt with. You and I both can agree on that, I think. They do not think in terms of victory the way you or I do, so a free election result can be interpreted one way or the other. If any terrorist group benefited from the election, it was ETA (though indirectly).
They read killing thier own people as a victory so it is a no win situation period.
District Overbeer