""I look at this Spanish election as a golden opportunity for President Bush to get back on offense. I look at this as a great opportunity for President Bush to get the moral high ground back because there's a question that faces all of us now. Terrorism is either defeated or surrendered to, and this was true before the Spanish election results muddied the waters.
Europe understood this. Egypt and Turkey are on the way to understanding it. All these countries that have flown the white flag, including the UN and Iraq and Turkey and Saudi Arabia, all these countries that have raised the white flag and sent the signal to terrorists, "Don't bother us. We're not your enemy," have all suffered attacks. They want everybody to believe, the media wants everybody to believe that Spain got hit because they allied with the United States, and that may be true. But the real question now is, "Okay, the terrorists won. They got rid of a hard-line U.S. ally, with a terrorist bombing couple-three days before the election." They should have delayed this election because of this, but that's wishful thinking now and irrelevant. ""
I agree...
""The question now becomes: "What are they going to do here?" Who do you think the terrorists would rather have in office in this country - socialists like those in Spain as personified by John Kerry and his friends in the Democratic Party, or George W. Bush?
don't know if you heard this or not, but Gerhard Schroeder called for the European Union to do something. There's nothing they can do, but he's out there demanding they do something. What? EU defense ministers going to get together and have a meeting? I mean, there is no European Union rapid-response force to come to Spain's aid, so all they can do is call for somebody to do something -
To those of you who vest your security in the United Nations, what are you going to get? You going to get a resolution condemning this from the Security Council? That's going to go a long way, isn't it? How many of those before Iraq? How many resolutions have there been against terrorism around the world? Other than in Israel, which has a 9/11 every week, but nobody seem seems to get a buzz on anymore. Maybe it should be a firm resolution? That's what the UN could do. They could come out with a "firm resolution" and really send the world a message, ladies and gentlemen, or maybe a "non-confrontational, ambiguous resolution"? but they've got to do something but they can't do anything. They are impotent as well. They had to be in utter panic. ""