It's pretty logical that there CAN BE NO STATISTICS, since there is no organized group of, as you say, disaffected/inactive/d/f JWs.
The hell there can't.
All stats are, are numbers. Just because they haven't been compiled yet, doesn't matter. There doesn't have to be an organized group for there to be stats. I could have stats on the number of brown-haired people in Arizona who own more than 2 cats, there doesn't need to be a group to be able to count them.
I'd say you have 2 types of 'apostate' XJWs (as opposed to df or inactives who still believe all or part of it; or those who don't believe the WT, but think they're OK for some people)
- those who believe the WT is full of shit but don't go out of their way to warn people (but will warn people away if somebody mentions something)
- those who believe the WT is full of shit and actively work against them
Do you want to count those together or seperately? Do you want to add those who don't believe the WT anymore but don't really care that much one way or the other?
There are about 6.4 million JWs, according to their website (a padded number, we're all reasonably sure from conversations we've had about turning in fake numbers). There's a couple of different questions we could ask.
How many 'inactive' ones are there in the world (baptised but not da'd or df'd)? How many of these fit our 'apostate' guidelines? [this would include hubby and me...he's a type 1 above, I'm a type 2]
How many da'd and df'd people are there in the world? Remember, there are some 'repeaters' among these...some have been df'd more than once. How many of these fit our 'apostate' guidelines?
How many people (not da'd or df'd) used to be counted as JWs (by JWs) and are not any more? Remember, this includes unbaptised publishers (if I recall correctly) - underage kids and adults. How many people were unbaptised pubs as kids and then left when they were old enough? How many adults 'progressed' to the point of being an unbaptised publisher, but then got smart and quit before they were baptised? These are not in the rolls of the df'd or da'd. How many of these fit our 'apostate' guidelines?
The biggest number of XJWs would be those who, at one time, considered themselves JWs (whether or not they were pubs, or baptised...we all knew people who considered themselves JWs but were not by the cong, right?), but now do not consider themselves JWs, for whatever reason. How many of these fit our 'apostate' guidelines?
My guess is the number of "actively opposed" are much less than 6.4 mil (more's the pity), but the numbers of those who are opposed but not actively so are bigger, and those who don't care much about the WT anymore but would be shocked and horrified and would speak up if they knew about the pedophile issue or (to a lesser extent) the UN.
What I guess I'm trying to say, is that the numbers are out there, I just don't know how you'd go about getting them. I do, however, know that an absolute number of former JWs of each different type exists...we just don't know what the numbers are.
Side issue - What the WT is too dumb or too assured of their power to figure out, is that every time they 'tighten the rules' about associating with XJW family members (or something similar), it pisses people off who really had no reason to be opposed before (the quiet ones who just didn't believe but didn't much care). This is the biggest group of all. Every time they pull some stupid stunt to tighten their grip on the faithful or to 'weed out' the unfaithful, they just give some people reason to realize how the WT has been a bad thing in their lives, do an internet search (we all know where that leads), and do something, however small, to bring the WT down.