Both my girls live with my ex, and she is very controlling. That is her nature. All calls are screened, intercepted, or ignored. Sometimes I have to call for two weeks straight, before I get an answer from the house
Dang Puter, You just described MY X...maybe she was two timing us both?
The same with the pictures...she took all the albums, about 2K pics.
The same with the hospital...
The same with the controlling...
The same with the phone calls...2 - 3 weeks, calling her work, cell, pager home...nothing. Then, SHE gets mad and says,"I don't answer to you any more...!" I have to remind her all the time about all the court orders she's thumbing her nose at.
I guess this is "Theocratic Warfare," huh? And as we've heard..."All's Fair in Love and War."