The issue that you bring up has always seemed quite paradoxical to me also. One thing that must be taken into account is that there is a quite an overlap between the "neo-cons" (the neo-conservatives) and the so-called "theo-cons" (the theological conservatives). Of course, this overlap is not total, but for the most part these evangelical, born-again Christian assholes (I believe in England, people woulds say "those bl**** bible-thumping c***s") are for, the most part, politically conservative. As I said, not all are; and there are political conservatives who are by no means evangelical Christians. Just the same, there is a certain correlation between the two groups. Regarding the fundamentalist/evangelical ignoramuses, many subscribe to a bizarre, apocalyptic idea. They think that before the so-called called "rapture" can occur, certain evemts must occur and play themselves out. These events include the gathering in Israel of the world's jewish population. And then,at some God-ordained time, all these Jews will be given the grand opportunity and honor of converting to Christianity, an event to be followed by the GREAT SHIT STORM. This said event vaguely corresponds, I suppose, to the Witnesses' notion of Armageddon, as f***** up paranoid fantasies go.I think that, for the most part, most evangelical Christians have nothing but contempt for Jews, and most likely the reverse is also true. I feel that, in the minds of these Chrisitan imposters and morons, they view the state of Israel is being some sort of thing to be tolerated in that it is necessary somehow for "God's plan" to be carried out. Israel is the requisite world's repository of world Jewry which will absolutely expected to convert to Christianity just before the end of the world. Born again Christians have absolutely no respect or sense of tolerance for Judaism in of itself, and their lack of respect and tolerance extends to all other religions. They are ignorant, insufferable and loathsome in their dogmatic intolerance. Their paranoid fantasy regarding the state of Israel is absurd to the point of insanity, but as Nietzsche said humanity has inherited both the wisdom and the insanity of a thousand generations.