Gosh, there is just so much good stuff here!! Where to begin.... where to begin?
What is the moral climate like in the KH? A haven for pedophiles, who prey on children.
How could it be anything BUT a haven for pedophiles? All a child molester has to do is get disfellowshipped, say they are sorry, and get reinstated in order to be called Brother? (or Sister?) again, in order to be welcomed back with open arms. The elders assign them to a Book Study group in someone's private home. They take advantage of the congregation's forgiveness, the Book Study host's hospitality, trust and friendship, and just get sneakier and more subtle in the way they gain their targets' trust in order to feed their perverse sexual appetites. If they get caught again, they can be disfellowshipped again, and reinstated again when they claim to be repentant. The cycle starts all over again. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. When is the WTS going to figure out that the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour and that pedophiles are rarely sorry for the crime they have committed, but are only "sorry" that they got caught? That is not repentance. Which parent wants to look their child in the eyes and tell them "We're so sorry, we thought he was repentant"? Yet every time a pedophile is reinstated into a congregation, the elders are volunteering every child of JWs as guinea pigs in a sick and twisted experiment set in homes used as Book Study centres, Kingdom Halls, circuit assemblies, district conventions, where-ever that pedophile may go and present him or herself as a JW in good standing.
Personally, I would rather associate with fornicators, adulterers and people who look at pornography, than with someone who has a history of repeated sexual offenses against children.
Rbi8 Matthew 18:6 ***6But whoever stumbles one of these little ones who put faith in me, it is more beneficial for him to have hung around his neck a millstone such as is turned by an ass and to be sunk in the wide, open sea.
Does it sound like Jesus was willing to extend mercy and forgiveness repeatedly to someone who harmed "little ones"?
Sexual misconduct, including; adultery, fornication, and
other forms of "por.ne'a.."Uncleanness
includes an intentional momentary touching of sexual parts or caressing of breasts. ( I Thess. 4:7, 8; 1 Tim. 5:1,2)Such minor uncleanness can be handled at the discretion of an elder or two; it does not require a judicial
Try telling a girl who is not allowed to date or allow boys her own age to take liberties with her, that having a grown man intentionally momentarily touch her in a sexual manner that it's a "minor" offense. Try telling that to her parents.
Oh and this, I thought, was rather comical:
Isaac and Rebekah were observed "having a good time" together, and it was evident to onlookers that they were not merely brother and sister.
Yes, Evidently? the forefather (and foremother) of God's Chosen People? were exhibitionists. And the onlookers were into voyeurism. But that's nothing at all like looking at pornography nowadays.
Love, Scully