This article is a real winner, on so many levels.
First, the desperate need to control the thoughts and desires, yes desires, of 6 million people. This article's purpose is to make every man, woman and child feel guilty for having sexual thoughts, and occasionally weakening and living them out. They make it sound dirty, cheap and inhuman.
SEX IS HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Get over it. PLEASE, idiots at Bethel, instead talk about CHOICES. All humans will have sex. TALK about choices instead, or consequences other than "you will feel guilty forever". This is inhuman, and as blondie so ably pointed out, disingenuous in the light of their SHOCKING and criminal tolerance for true sexual deviants, pedophiles. There is a witness pedophile in my state that is still not disfellowshiped; Phil Brumley wrote a letter defending him to the head of CBS' news division. This group of men is so sickeningly corrupt there are no words for the hypocrisy.
They have the nerve to make couples, teen or early 20's at best, that are in love and planning to be married feel guilty as hell for doing what is natural. Please. GO AWAY. Talk about something more important. Go buy more buildings or something.
Now, for their descriptions of sexual conduct. Ummmm......what happens in houses of prostitution?? SEX. Yep. I am willing to wager that the most common type of sex in a brothel is.................INTERCOURSE. Wow. And genital manipulation. And fondling of breasts. ALL TRUE CHRISTIAN COUPLES WILL WANT TO AVOID THIS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!.
Can you read a map? I hope so. But the last couple of service meetings required detailed instruction for most JWs as how to use the map published by the WTS and released at last year?s district convention.
Read a map? Are you kidding? They consider the R and F to be too stupid to know how to book a hotel room; maps are wayyyy up the ladder for us; we are not yet ok'd for reserving hotel rooms on our own.
This article on sex is just reaping what they have sown: there is so little in the org to keep anyone interested or satisfied; they REPRESS and demonize sexuality itself, not only sex. The more it is repressed, the more it will manifest itself in some way. This is basic stuff, idiots at Bethel.
Please just admit that you have no idea what you are doing; you have no ability to truly lead and inspire people. GO AWAY. Admit that you are lost. Above all, quit writing articles like this that make natural behavior between consenting adults MORE CRIMINAL THAN ABUSE OF CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!